Do You Really Need A Probiotic Supplement? Five Reasons Why Your Answer Should Be Yes.

12th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Is this your year to make a dedication to your health? Are you tired of simply not feeling up to par?

A multi-strain probiotic supplement could be your most important initial step to fulfilling your health objectives.

How can including billions of beneficial little microbes help you?

Probiotic Supplements

Below are just five ways probiotics can provide you a head start to better health and wellness.

1. Many of us are not living a way of living that supports a healthy digestive tract or intestinal environment. We're worried, consume fast food, our meat is filled with antibiotics. Our doctors also prescribe antibiotics, which can't tell the difference between the bad bacteria, causing our disease, and good microbes, which our body needs to work properly.

This creates a fantastic environment for bad bacteria to take over, in addition to yeasts that can cause candida, yeast infections and various other unpleasant health concerns.

A probiotic will restore billions of beneficial bugs into your system, where they can colonize and re-establish balance to your digestive tract.

2. Most of your immune system function resides in your intestine; as much as 80 %. It's necessary to make sure you are establishing a good environment for it to work it's magic safeguarding you from pathogens, viruses and infections. Bacillus Subtillus is shown to support immune function.

3. Certain strains, such as L. Acidopholus and B. Longnum, can help control and balance your digestive system, keeping you regular. They may also help alleviate the symptoms of various intestinal concerns such as IBS flareups and bouts of diarrhea, sometimes caused by antibiotics.

4. Restores the flow of communication between the brain and intestine. Researchers have actually been surprised at how inter-related the brain and intestine are. This connection assists to control hormones, inflammation response, hunger cues and a lot more.

5. You could be surprised to find out that imbalances in your intestine can, in fact, cause imbalances in your brain, as well. As bad bugs and yeasts take over your intestine, you could discover yourself becoming more nervous, moody, or stressed. Yes, they are nasty little buggers.

Some initial research reveal that restoring the intestine back to its balance of 85 % beneficial flora to 15 % unfriendly, can help relieve some concerns of anxiety and brain fog.

As always, if any issue persists, please go and see your healthcare specialist.

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