Probiotics – Your Super Hero For Optimal Health And Wellbeing.

4th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We can all use a Super Hero in our daily lives, whether it is in our occupation, in our home life or help to accomplish our health and wellness goals. And we can have as many as we want!

Over the years, some of my Super Heros have been my pals, kids and husband, my Mac that works in spite of me, a book that helps get me past life's difficult moments and my old pet dog who was pleased to see me, no matter what kind of funk I was in.

Well, I have recently added an everyday probiotic supplement to my list.

I started doing some research into probiotics and found some really intriguing information. Did you know that there are billions of bacteria living both inside and on the outside of your body? In truth there are more than 10 x more bacteria than cells, happily living in and on your body.

I also found that having the appropriate amount of these friendly little bugs living in your gut is crucial to the performance of essentially every system in your body. The good bacteria enhances appropriate hormone levels, immune function, brain/gut connection, battles pathogens, viruses and much more.

Since I started taking probiotics two months ago, I have had terrific shifts take place in my health on every level.

I used to be plagued by unexplained abdominal aches and issues that would happen with no warning. It didn't seem to matter how well I ate, I still got them. Now, not only have the tummy discomforts stopped almost entirely, but I have become a lot more regular. That, alone is making life way more enjoyable.

I haven't had nearly the amount of gas and bloating that I had experienced before taking the probiotics. It feels like my digestion is smoother and my tummy finally feels lighter and less aggravated. I find I am able to think clearly, I seem to have way more energy and I am sleeping all night.

What a change 10 billion friendly little bacteria can make in a person's life.

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