Resistance Training – Get The Most From Your Workout

16th April, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

Don’t let anyone fool you – including resistance or strength training into your fitness routine is both smart and necessary for continued good health and mobility.

And the great thing about this type of exercise is that everyone will notice benefits from it. Even older folks who start training with resistance report noticeable health improvements. Weight training helps build muscle and bone, both of which tend to decrease with age and inactivity.

Top Reason To Build Muscle As You Age

When you build muscle you become stronger and more balanced. With age this becomes increasingly important in order to maintain independence and take part in the activities you enjoy. It makes a big difference in the quality of your life and makes it so you don’t have to rely quite as much on others for assistance.

Building Bone Density Is Another Important Benefit

By including resistance training in your fitness routine, you’ll offset the decrease in bone density growth with age. Conditions such as osteoporosis can be avoided or at least minimized through consistent training. Accordingly, post-menopausal women will notice a considerable benefit from strength training activities.

How About Fat Loss?

Increased muscle helps burn more calories. When a well-rounded fitness program including strength training is combined with proper nutrition, metabolism is increased and fat burning is enhanced. It can be difficult to sustain any real results without this muscle building component present in your fitness routine.

Other Health Benefits Of Muscle Building

Here are a few more reasons to include resistance training into your workout program:

– Lower blood presser and resting heart rate

– Reduced risk of heart disease

– Ability to lead a more active lifestyle

– Slow down the aging process

– Increased energy levels and the ability to maintain a healthy weight

Interested in learning more about burning fat and building muscle? Click Here for more information.

Posted on: April 16, 2008

Filed under: Health

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