Fitness Requires Motivation and Action – Get Started Now

16th April, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

The biggest hurdle most of us face when trying to get in shape is just getting started. Thinking about it is easy but it takes a boost of motivation to take action and start exercising and eating right.

For some, joining a gym or health club provides the motivation they need. The friendships developed encourage them to keep going back and making progress. However, the majority of people who get a membership tend to stop using it over time. In fact, most clubs base their revenue projections on a certain number of members who never show up. Can you imagine how crowded it would be if everyone who signed up attended regularly?

Others find the convenience of a home gym to work better. They don’t have to drive to a gym that might be miles away from home and they can exercise whenever it fits into their schedule. Fortunately home exercise equipment has come a long way and it is possible to get a gym quality work out right in the comfort of you own home. However, for any workout machine to work, it must be used. Yes, motivation is key whether exercising at home or going to the gym.

Finally, many consider themselves to be outdoor people and prefer natural activities that burn calories but don’t seem like working out. Going for walks, jogging a trail or even inline skating can seem more like play than exercise. And, the fresh air and scenery is a draw for nature enthusiasts.

It really doesn’t matter much which of these options you prefer. The important thing is that you do something to get and stay active. Those who are successful in reaching their fitness goals incorporate a variety of activities they can keep doing for long periods of time and they’re not afraid to change their routine as they go.

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Posted on: April 16, 2008

Filed under: Health

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