Common Symptoms of Depression

27th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Victorian Counselling and Psychological Services

A lot of people are suffering from depression. This is the reason why it is often referred to as the common cold of psychological ailments. We may feel down and lonely from time to time. But, when the feeling of desperation and gloom take hold on you and won’t go away, chances are you are suffering from depression. When you are depressed, enjoying life and performing your daily routine can be so cumbersome. Even simply going through the day could be tough. But no matter how unhappy you feel, it helps to know that things can get back to normal. And the first step towards getting better is to understand the signs, causes and treatments for depression. Here are some of the common signs of depression.

1. You are fearless and extremely confident – Some depressed people may act differently from how they truly feel. Psychologists call this escapism and it is common among over-achievers. Engaging in intense activities such as taking over a rival company or handing over your work resignation to build a new business makes you feel invincible and powerful. But deep inside you’re really scared and insecure. Aside from being born with biochemical imbalances, the common cause of depression is the feeling of vulnerability and losing control. Over-achievers hate these feelings and they will do everything to deny it through their actions.

2. Alcoholism – Drinking alcohol is one of the most common things people do to drive emotional pains away. When you use alcohol as your anesthesia to endure life’s pains, you’re most probably going to end up with two disorders rather than one.

3. Being uninterested in the things you normally do – Most depressed people often lose their ability to enjoy life. And you forget the simple things that make you happy such as doing your hobbies, pastimes and other social activities.

4. You work harder but not smarter – People who are depressed find it hard to make appropriate solutions to their problems. Rather than figuring out a way to get to the root of their troubles, they tend to do more of the same things over and over again. For example, those who are having marital problems are often caught spending too much time at the gym instead of going through a relationship counselling Melbourne. This is because the extra time they spend in the gym shortly lifts their spirits. But once they’ve taken their sweat shirts off, they realize that the problem is there.

5. Things have inappropriate effect on you – When your behavior is emotionally in conflict with the stimulus that triggered it, you may be suffering from depression. Crying and laughing over things that are not called for is a sign that something is bothering you deep down. The absence of appropriate feelings could make it challenging for you to control your emotions.

When you notice that you have some of the symptoms discussed in this article, don’t hesitate to ask for professional help or have a neuropsychological assessment in Melbourne.

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Posted on: January 27, 2010

Filed under: Health

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