You Can Do It with Tabata Training- Why Wait To Get Started?

28th September, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When you stand on the scales, you find that those few pounds you thought you gained over the summer were really much more, and getting into your favorite pair of pants has become an impossible task. Not only are you humiliated, but also determined to lose the weight you gained. You’ve heard that tabata training coupled with healthy eating habits is a great way to get healthy and burn calories.

One of the new methods of the popular interval training that has taken the fitness world by storm is tabata training. This training has been proven to burn more calories than traditional cardio workouts, plus helps build lean muscle mass and increases metabolism. The training is done by high intensity bursts of exercise for a short amount of time, followed by low intensity restful periods.

Before you begin tabata training or any other type of exercise, you should first check with your doctor to get the go ahead. An example of interval training would be a warm up, followed by an intense 30 second sprint, and then a 20 second walk. The walk would follow the sprint until the amount of repetitions had been met for that particular session. The training is done three days a week, with one day of rest in between each session. Each week the number of repetitions are raised a little with the breaks in between lowered by a few seconds.

With tabata, the work out lasts a quick 4 minutes, but some have reported that those four minutes seem like an eternity when you are struggling to get the most amount of repetitions in before starting your rest phase. The object of the training is to use weights, such as kettle bells and to work your muscles by doing as many repetitions in the time allowed. It sounds easy, but if you are working out at the highest intensity possible for those 20-30 second intervals, you should find yourself struggling those last few seconds before the pause. These short, intense work outs will build muscle mass and has been known to increase metabolism, burning calories far after the work out is complete.

Keep in mind that while tabata has been associated with burning more calories than traditional exercising, it is best combined with other forms of interval training to produce maximum results.

Combining tabata training with a diet rich in whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, you should find that you will not only begin shedding those unwanted pounds, but also will feel stronger and healthier. Because interval training doesn’t require much time, it is the perfect solution for those who want to lose weight by eating right and exercising, but who haven’t had time for working out in the past.

Posted on: September 28, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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