Enjoying Personal Fitness Truthfully

8th August, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the most overlooked aspects of life concerns our health. Millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions that they don’t keep. Not only do they fail to keep them each year, but they generally end up adding on a few more pounds before the next January 1st rolls around. This is a terrible habit.

Whether you admit it or not, personal fitness is an essential part of our lives. If we really want to live well and feel great then we should consider getting physically fit. Whatever shape you might be in right now, you can improve it and get into better shape. We all have to start somewhere; you can start with a little motivation.

Everyone knows that working out and eating healthy leads to a healthier body. The better your diet is and the leaner your body, the more energy you are likely to have.

I can’t stress enough how good being in shape can make you feel. It’s a physical and emotional surge. Because when your personal fitness levels are up-to-par, you not only have more strength and energy, but you also have more confidence. You know that you look great and that you can do things like head down to the beach in a swimsuit or wear less clothing in public.

On the flipside, being overweight makes you feel as if you need to cover up your body because people will gawk at you. These feelings can lead to depression and regret, which will obviously do you no good.

Pull out a sheet of paper and label it with each day of the week. Choose five of these days to exercise on. Many people choose to have the weekends off, but it’s up to you. Now, to get started you may want to try three days of cardio and two days of weight training, alternating days.

This regular personal fitness regimen with get your body in shape the way it’s supposed to be year-round. Always remember, being in great shape is NOT just a summer thing.

Eating right is imperative. You need a balance of good carbs, proteins and vitamins. Typically you can consume as many vegetables as you please. We need like 8 a day, so go for it. As far as proteins go, try lean poultry and fish. Then with good carbs, shoot for brown rice, whole grain breads and low-fat granola. With personal fitness so much relies on your diet. Without a nutritious one, you’re doomed.

Posted on: August 8, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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