Great Results with Interval Training Love Handle Workouts

2nd June, 2009 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When people think of the amount of time they will have to exercise and how hard it will be, they tend to lose their motivation to lose weight. Many people find it just takes too long to lose weight using cardio workouts; it is hard to put aside enough time in the day to get in an effective workout.

One of the most common areas people would like to lose weight is the belly, however, this is also one of the most difficult places to lose weight. No one likes to have love handles, so you will be happy to learn that there are special interval love handle workouts that will help you without you having to work out for hours each day. Besides helping you to lose belly fat, these workouts will also help with your cardiovascular fitness.

If you want to be able to have short but effective workouts, you should work towards increasing your lean muscle mass through a combination of low intensity and high intensity moves that are targetted toward the areas you are focusing on (in this case you abs). These love handle workouts use Turbulencetraining in order to get the most results in the shortest time. They only take about 20 minutes, and you only have to do them three days a week (making sure to rest a day in between each workout).

As with most workouts, you will want to warm up for about five minutes. Then you want to start your intervals, doing a one minute high intensity interval followed by a two minute low intensity interval. You want to repeat this sequence a second time and then finish with a final high intensity interval and a five minute cool down. The low intensity intervals allow your body to recover while still getting some exercise.

Using the love handle workouts system mentioned above you can really get great results without spending a lot of time at the gym. Since this method is a bit different than the old methods of exercising at a target heart rate for a longer period of time for fat loss, you will really need to reconsider what you think of as the right way to exercise and to eat.

Your body can adapt if you always do the exact same workout, so just doing long stretches of cardio (especially if you always do the same type) doesn’t work well for long in your weight loss quest. These Hiit workouts will shock your body with something new and therefore get faster results even though you spend less time working out.

Admittedly, it is a little hard to believe that something that sounds so simple would be so effective, but you will understand the first time you try it and you are perspiring more than if you had run 2 miles. Unlike other weight loss exercise programs, Interval training will boost your weight loss efforts beyond anything you have ever tried. You will see better results of targeted love handle workouts and turbulence training the very first time you try it. 

Posted on: June 2, 2009

Filed under: Fitness

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