Starting An Exercise Program – Over 40!

22nd August, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

If you’re over 40 and you want to start an exercise program, you definitely can. You need to consider the medical aspects first, though. Talk to your doctor and make sure that you don’t have any hidden medical problems that a fitness routine could aggravate.

Do I Have To Wear A Skimpy Exercise Outfit?

Once you have your doctor’s ok, there’s the issue of clothing. These days, everyone is so concerned about image. Really though, what is popular is far less important than what is comfortable to you. The more comfortable you are, the longer you’ll be able to work out and the happier you’ll be while you’re doing it.

You might be surprised to know that twenty-five percent of all women are not active at all! It might also surprise you that sixty percent of women don’t get as much exercise as they should. If you don’t want to be just a number, you should start an exercise program as soon as you can. That way, you’ll be less likely to have strokes, diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol problems and more.

Exercising after forty can actually increase your life expectancy. But don’t wait… studies show that if you exercise before you hit menopause, you’ll be more likely to exercise later in life. So, it’s important to form good exercise habits now.

How Will I Find Time For Workouts?

Do you feel like you don’t have the time to exercise? Well, the simple fact is you can’t afford not to. You don’t need to take on a huge time-consuming training routine. After all, there’s a difference between simple exercising and training to be a professional athlete.

Can you afford thirty minutes each day to exercise? That’s all it takes. A short, yet consistent, fitness program can really help to improve your health.

One way to help yourself enjoy exercising is to pair up with a friend. If you can walk with a friend several times every week, you’ll both enjoy the experience and get the healthy rewards from it at the same time.

Another important thing is to plan your routine around your own lifestyle. Some people have more time than others. Would you rather work out at the gym or just exercise at home? No matter what you choose, be sure to adjust your routines so you can avoid getting bored. Also consider keeping a journal so you can track your progress along the way. And, don’t forget to take enough time to rest to avoid getting sick.

Don’t Get Discouraged

Another tip to keep in mind is to not place too much importance on the bathroom scale. If you’re doing some resistance training (and you should) you may gain some muscle. This may cause your scale to move upward temporarily and you don’t want to get discouraged. Weekly weigh-in’s are enough for most people. If your clothes feel like they fit better, consider it a good sign of your progress.

Starting an exercise program over 40 is all about health, discipline and having a support system. Enjoy yourself and have fun with it. Get a friend or two involved. As long as you stick to it, you’ll be rewarded for years to come!

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