Intuitive Coach Insight – The Power Of Listening

6th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What do you need from a friend if you are discussing things? What conversation topics do you talk about, and what are you seeking if you talk to a friend. Lots of people attempt not to show their annoyance when buddies attempt to identify with their own issues: you are not feeling well, or have some other problem, and if you talk to a friend about it they have had the exact same problem or even still have, but worse!

Or possibly they are going to attempt to tell you what they did to resolve a comparable problem, and so on. What lots of people typically want is just a friend that listens without trying to be an amateur physician, accountant or marriage guidance counselor. A friend that is there for you if you just need to talk is worth their weight in gold. It is worth remembering next time you believe you’ve all the answers and can support – perhaps that’s not what they’re looking for.

As an intuitive coach, I understand that our very best friendships come from relationships with no strings attached. If the basis of a relationship is quid-pro-quo, in other words, I’ll do some thing for you should you do some thing for me, then the act of communicating and listening is constantly subject to ulterior motives.

Have you ever been talking to an individual and feel like they’re just not listening to you? Your message just isn’t acquiring via, since the other person’s interests are self-absorbed. He or she is thinking of himself or herself, not focusing on your words and meanings. However, should you locate a true friend who genuinely listens, then you can rest assured that your relationship with that individual is based on true friendship and caring.

Now focus on you. When you are with others, are you truly listening to their words and meanings? Or are you framing the communication by your own requirements and desires? Becoming a true friend to an individual else will enhance your life. intuitive coaching teaches that as a way to enhance your life, start becoming an excellent friend and listener to others.

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