How A Thyroid Problem Will Affect A Person’s Body

17th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The idea of dropping a few pounds is shared by many. Not everyone is able to actually lose the weight. When they do not succeed they believe that it is due to lack of physical activity. For some people the reason is in the food choices they make. A person might turn to a very restrictive food regimen that they will try to follow. The reality is that some people can do all the right things, and they still don’t lose weight. Despite trying to do the right things, a person could still be called fat. It is possible that a person is unable to shed the pounds because of the way their thyroid is functioning or for some people malfunctioning.
While some doctors erroneously dismiss thyroid disease as just another lame or lazy excuse for being overweight, the reality is that for millions of overweight people, thyroid disease is a very real reason behind weight problems and that a unexplained weight gain is just one of the many symptoms of low thyroid condition that also include reduced energy levels, dry skin and hair, constipation, and depression, and it is very important for a person to take the necessary steps to get the problem under control.
Many people do not even know they are having a problem with this gland. There is also the fact that many people are struggling with their body shape. Some people need to make the connection between the two issues. How many of the undiagnosed thyroid patients are also struggling with weight gain, or an inability to lose weight?
Not everyone is happy with their body shape. A medical condition that affects their body shape can make it hard for someone to control their body shape. No matter how much a person with a thyroid problems tries they find themselves unable to get into the shape they want unless they understand the problem and start to treat it.
The key to finding out if you have either an under active or an over active thyroid is to understand what the symptoms are for both of these conditions and although the underactive thyroid symptoms in women are slightly different that for a man, a simple look at the different symptoms and finding out if you are suffering from some or many of them will go a long way in helping a person decide if they have a problem or not.
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism mean that the body is not making enough or is making too much of some of the hormones that regulate their body. A person is not able to burn calories in the way they should. In order for a person to burn the calories they take in, it is important for the body to run as efficiently as possible.
Men and women are subject to thyroid issues in different ways. Men have a lower risk of having a thyroid issue. The family history also plays a role. There are certain chemicals that will cause problems for some people. Excessive exposure to metals, such as mercury, and toxins such as pesticides are another danger. A person’s age also increases their risk.
There are several symptoms that a person should be aware of to signal a problem of the gland not producing enough hormones. A person will be more tired than normal. People will have dry and tangled hair. Some people suffer from high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Look for a sensitive feeling or a lump in the neck.

A medical checkup is the best way for a person to find out what is causing the problems that they are facing. The warning signs of a thyroid condition are varied and numerous. Once a person is properly diagnosed, the condition can be controlled. With medicine, a food regimen, and physical activity it is possible to lead a normal life. But if a person is not aware that they have a problem it will not go away. People who do not treat the problem could face larger issues. Do not brush the symptoms off as being unimportant. A person should not assume that they are not able to control their symptoms because of something they are doing wrong. It is not worth risking your body for.

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