The Thyroid Can Cause A Person Problems

16th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People should be aware of the effect of a little butterfly shaped organ in their body. Most of us are not sure exactly what the gland does or does not do. They are also unaware of when it is not working properly. People should learn how the different parts of their bodies work and that includes the thyroid. It is also important to understand how what can happen when the thyroid is not working in the way it should.
No matter what the cause, the effects of low thyroid are the same for everyone. But identifying the cause in your specific case is important for further treatment by a medical professional. Why the thyroid is not working right can be due to a lot of things. They include such things as radiation treatment for cancer, complete or partial thyroid gland removal, an inherited condition, a non-functioning pituitary gland, pregnancy or recent delivery of a baby, or an immune disease that affects the thyroid and a person can suffer from a variety of symptoms of low thyroid condition which can alert them to a potential problem.
The thyroid’s main function is to convert iodine into the hormones which regulate metabolism. People with an under active thyroid will not release chemicals in sufficient quanties. If there are not enough hormones than a person will not be able to burn calories in an effective manner. The body will react to these changes in several different ways. The body starts producing chemicals because of this problem. This is something that is usually detectable with a blood test.
When your body does not make enough thyroid hormones it can cause a number of symptoms and it is important to know that there are no minimum number of symptoms needed for a diagnosis and there are different under active thyroid symptoms in women and men so but in general a person may just feel sluggish and fatigued, and then later they may start to notice other symptoms such as hair loss, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, brittle nails, memory problems, trouble concentrating, constipation, depression, mood swings, unexplained weight gain or hoarseness. A person will see their thyroid swell when this happens.
Pregnant women who suffer from decreased thyroid function are at greater risk for miscarriage. First trimester is the most dangerous time for a woman. If you know your levels are low, notify your obstetrician and the physician who is treating you for the hypothyroid condition. A pregnant woman’s hormones levels can vary drastically and any sudden change could be very dangerous for the baby. For the health of the patient and the baby, certain steps should be taken. It is something that the doctor can track by using tests to know whether a person is in the healthy range or not. The health of the baby and the mother can be compromised if a person ignores a thyroid issue.
People should take the time to keep their thyroid working properly. Any one who is struggling from it should check with their doctor. When you look at yourself and find that you have added many pounds unexpectedly, you could be dealing with thyroidism. Not all weight gain is the result of unhealthy eating. Your hormone levels could be out of balance. It is better to know the cause for sure. There are millions of people who have been diagnosed with this problem already. A doctor can come up with a regimen that works. It just takes a combination of medication, diet and exercise.

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