Free Poker Games Guide To What The Word Poker Actually Means

7th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You might play poker online for free or cash poker but do you really understand what the letters of the word P-O-K-E-R mean? While the truth is that it most likely comes from an old German or French word I’ve thought of a new interpretation based on the letters that is perhaps more suited to modern times and relates to how you should approach poker game play be it a fun free online poker game or WSOP final table stuff! Read on and you might just be playing poker in a better way.

P – Positive attitude
A positive mental attitude is fundamental to success in poker. You need to play with the hope that you can win and make things happen. Believe that you have a good hand and bet accordingly.
Just waiting and hoping to get a nice pair of aces hardly helps in poker, and when you do get them you might be defeated by a pair of twos. If you play with the wrong attitude, then other players will know that soon and force you to fold by raising the bet.

O – Opportunity
So you are positive and you have a decent hand, now you must take every opportunity that presents itself. Once all the cards have been dealt and you know that you have a winning hand, bet in a way to maximise your profit.
It’s no good if you win a hand and get pennies. So keep raising the stakes and win big. Strike when the iron is hot.

K – Knowledge
You need to have the right knowledge about cards and have the ability to figure out the different possible hands that one can have. It’s not easy and requires a great amount of skill to predict what cards a person might have.
It’s all about experience and the more you play the more you learn. Once you have played enough hands you will be better at judging your opponents. Not only that, you will also be able to bluff and win (sometimes) even if you have a weak hand.

E – Eliminate
Once in a while you will get a pair of aces and what you need to do is make sure that you win. Your aim is to eliminate other players with weaker cards by raising the bet significantly, and forcing them to fold.
If there are too many players on the table then one of them is sure to have some luck with the cards that open at later stages. If not taken out initially that player could end up with a straight or flush and your aces are no match for that.

R – Realize
The final step is to realize what the other person might have and bail out early. It happens a lot of times that you bet hoping that a card you need to complete your straight or flush will come on the flop, turn or river but it never does. You keep on betting and lose money or lost of chips in free poker games. In these situations only continue if the amounts are small, once the bet is raised its better to fold.

Conclusion – Poker is not like other cards games where the best cards win, as you will know after you’ve played just a short time you can easily lose even with the best possible hand. An awful lot comes down to what cards come to you and others at the different stages of the game and the how they are acted upon by you and the other players.

Poker is a nasty game at times, to keep your sanity and improve your winning keep in mind at all times that it is a game and you will not always win. Play within your means and don’t bet what you cannot afford to lose and if you can’t afford to lose anything or need to learn how to play poker for beginners only play free online poker at first to get better and to win bonuses that you can convert into a cash bankroll for micro and then mini stakes money games on cash poker sites.

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