Do Our Children Play Too Many Video Games.

28th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How much gaming is too much? Young people get a lot of enjoyment from gaming. When should the adults in the home turn the consoles off to stop their kids from playing? Growing up is about experiencing a lot of different things that will help a child grow. It is up to the parents to help them learn that balance.

There is no doubt that playing games is a fun thing to do and it does not matter if a child has a Playstation, a Nintendo Wii, or the xbox 360 kinect, the lure of these games is something that draws them in and allows them to immerse themselves in different worlds for hours on end if we allow them to do that. The parents must control when and for how long a person is allowed to spend with their video games. Children are often given limits, and gaming is not something that should be left out.

Finding a balance of all the things is their life is something that all kids must be taught. School should be the first priority for children. It is also important for them to get physical activity. Another aspect of their life is the social aspect. Doing things as a community is something that kids must learn. Gaming has changed throughout the years and can help a person learn social, educational and physical skills in today’s world. Children will learn some skills through gaming and they will learn the rest the old fashioned way.

When the Nintendo Wii came on the scene it was able to get a person up and moving while they played video games and with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date, and the introduction of the Playstation Move, the idea of getting physical activity while you play a video game is even more possible. What used to done using a control that only exercised your hands now requires a person to make the movements themselves. The intensity of the exercise might not be as good as traditional exercise, but it is something. Any exercise that a young person can get is better than no activity at all.

One of the advantages of the video game systems is their ability to connect like computers. This allows kids to play with their friends even when they are in different homes. By going online a person is able to find someone to compete against whenever they want. Not only do you have competition, you are often able to talk to them in some way or another while you play. This helps teach a person how to communicate with others. It is much better than always depending on artificial intelligence to give you competition. Two buddies can go against one another even when they are located in separate homes. There are also ways to play cooperatively with others. These are important tools for a child to understand.

Games have become more and more realistic. Games are able to teach lessons to the gamer. Not only are the games fun, but kids can get an education. If a person wants to improve math skills there are titles that will do that. Real life activities that a child enjoys can be simulated by playing video games. The mental aspect of gaming is hidden by the fun of the games. That will always be a good thing.

Children will be able to help their growth in a variety of ways through playing games. They are both physical and mental. They should not overdo the gaming. Too much of anything is rarely a good thing. Do not think that video games are any different. Keeping that in mind is in the best interests of your child.

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