Discussing New Year’s Resolutions? – Don’t Disregard Your House

27th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One more year has finished, I can hear a lot of you querying ‘where did the time go’? Consequently as we bring in the New Year, I’m positive lots of you will be thinking about those all important New Year’s Resolutions. Most people make resolutions related to themselves directly, such as: I will stop smoking/I will be nicer/I will start exercising and so on. But there is a thing in our lives which is also worth thinking about; our home. So as a change, why not this year, think about a resolution which directly relates to the place you call home.

To get you in the mood, I have listed some suggestions for resolutions which you may like to try:

Think about the environment and come up with ways to make your house more ecologically friendly Cut down on garbage, re-use products such as containers for storing items and separate rubbish and dispose of it properly. This is definitely a easy resolution to decide and do and helps look after our planet.

Carbon Monoxide detectors and fire alarms are very important in every walk of life, including our property. If you don’t have a smoke alarm or a Carbon detector, you should fit them. If you already have alarms, make sure they all contain new batteries and are functioning just fine. This resolution could well save you and your children’s life there is nothing more valuable in the world than life.

What do you wish you could to do in your house? Think about all those improvements you would like to complete in your home and make a list. You can then buy everything needed when it’s on sale/the least expensive and save a lot of expense. Buying everything at the normal price is going to be expensive on your pocket, this way you can save loads of money. By making plans you have the opportunity to search around and find the best materials for your budget.

When paying for an appliance for your home think about what you need, the price you want to spend before researching thoroughly your options; avoid buying the first one you come across. Many appliances, even if more costly, could save you a lot of energy; try to think your purchase though!

Economize on energy – should you be more energy efficient? We have already discussed the way appliances in the home can save you money, there are other ways too. A few ideas for saving energy and money are: turn off lights not in use, keep doors closed to keep in heat, unplug electrical appliances when not in use and insulate your walls and loft space.

Keep your place in a good shape! Everyday repairs are a must don’t neglect it. If you take care of faults in time, you may prevent possible costly repairs later and your house will stay nice and fresh.

As a Toronto condos professional, I know resolutions bounded to home are expensive. As with any resolution, only you can choose what is best for home and what is practical based on your personal circumstances. Putting in a new kitchen may be one individual’s choice, it doesn’t have to be yours, but maybe repainting the children’s bedroom is. Just pluck up the courage and organize it! Use this time to do bits and pieces you want to do.

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Posted on: January 27, 2011

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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