
27th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

By motivation we understand a set of principles or factors that influence one in the direction of acting for success. They say that without it we would all be but a bunch of passive, lazy people that seem to have no goal in life. And indeed, once we understood how the universe works, supposedly at a very young age, we have kept getting involved in a motivating existence. It all starts with the child being rewarded with a candy for listening to his/her mum. Therefore, without even becoming aware of what we undergo, we are taught the very basics of responding to motivation.

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Motivation seems to appear when, after performing a certain action, there is some kind of reward that creates pleasure or satisfaction to the individual who receives it. The reward as such may be manifest inherently, meaning that the feeling of achievement or satisfaction is sufficient to repeat the action later. It can also be extrinsic, according to studies; and that means that money or praise coming from others is the key to making you repeat the performance. Consequently, motivation can fall into two distinct categories as intrinsic, or inner, and extrinsic, or outer. As it may be obvious to you already, intrinsic motivation has to do with your own person and what you want whereas the extrinsic type has to do with external factors or people. Other subcategories follow from intrinsic motivation. One is the intrinsic motivation that relies on enjoyment (let us take a hobby for example) while the other is the one that is based on obligation (like performing a task at work that we want to carry out very well only for our own sake and not for anyone else’s).

As previously mentioned, motivation is one of the most important things that guides us through life. This is the factor that has made us take our first steps, that has helped us in learning how to pronounce certain words correctly, that has pushed us forward in school years and university studies perhaps, that finally sets in motion all the life areas from job and career pursuit to children and family providing. Motivation assumes many forms and is found in many things.

The Last Word on Goal Setting:
Today, the demand for efficient time management continues to increase. With this in mind, the opportunities for you to get Naturopathic Marketing advice have become an important timesaving goal. If you can work quickly and enjoy online marketing you can use your time more wisely.

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Posted on: January 27, 2011

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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