It Is No Fun Being Overweight

20th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I was touched when I saw a television show about a person who was so obese that they could not get out of their own bed. Being obese is not something that has happened all of my life. At one point in my life I felt that I was at the right weight for my body size. Meal times started to make me feel ashamed of the way I looked when I stopped being able to control my weight. I was ashamed when I would sit down to eat in front of others. I knew how much I was supposed to be eating. The stares caused me to eat differently than I wanted.

I also remember a time when I used to take a bus to get to work. I had found a seat, but as the bus filled up the number of empty seats was dwindling. There came a time where the only seat that was available was next to me and a parent suggested that their child take it. She loudly told her mother that she could not fit on the seat with me. It made me want to sink beneath the chair, but of course I could not fit.

I already was aware of my weight issues, but these things made the picture even clearer to me. My body was disgusting. I could not solve the problem by focusing on the way that I feel about being fat. The only person who caused me to have a weight problem was staring me in the mirror. No matter how much I wanted to not be the cause of the problem, I had to face the facts that it was my fault and I had to fix it. Yes my feelings have been hurt on many occasions by people calling me names and giving me looks, but those uncomfortable situations never pushed me enough to set me in motion to do something about I, but I had to get my confidence up to where I could believe in myself and also exercise some type of self-discipline to know that I had to find some way to learn how to lose weight fast, and there was no time like the present.

It was easy to find information about the negative effects of obesity on the body. Most people who are overweight are very aware of the way that they present themselves. People look over their shoulders and listening to what is being said behind their back. Over time wear and tear happens to all things being used and abused on a daily basis. It is possible to turn the hurt feelings into motivation to lose weight. Make it the reason that you decide to do something and although that does not necessarily mean by following a regimen that will show you how to lose weight fast at home in a week, it does mean changing your lifestyle enough to start to chip away at the excess weight that you are carrying and get yourself to a healthier weight.

You will not lose the weight suddenly. But I have found a way to make the commitment. Mostly it was other people who finally gave me the impetus to get healthy. I am doing it by making the right choices about food and exercise. I am also doing it by not worrying anymore about what people say about me. It is all about me and not what other people think about me. It is my health that will be made better. That is what is important.

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