How Worrying Can Affect Your Waistline

4th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The end of the year is stressful for many of us. The effects of worrying too much is often seen around the growing waistline of a person. Worrying about things causes out internal systems to do things to protect us. The body gives off different hormones like cortisol because of the stress.
Although the holidays can cause a person to face more stressful situation the release of hormones happens all of the time as a result of it. Our bodies can go into a survival mode when they are faced with things like stress. These reactions occur in many different ways and are designed to help a person get through the situation they are being faced with.
It is not always healthy for a person to be constantly presented with stressful situations. For some people the worrying leads to a bulge around their midsection as well as other issues. Add the temptations that surround us during the holidays to the stress and a person has the perfect combination for packing on the extra pounds and will soon find themselves trying to find a way how to lose weight fast at home in a week once the holidays are over and a person has looked in the mirror. There are several things that make this happen.
Your metabolism is affected. Many people feel like they put on more weight when they are stressed. This happens even if you are eating the same amount of food as you always have. Too much cortisol can slow your metabolism. It is very hard to maintain you weight if your metabolism is slowed. If a person is trying to shed some of the pounds they will have problems.
It becomes harder to resist the temptations. It is normal to worry. How a person reacts to the stress is up to them when giving a choice of something healthy or unhealthy. For a lot of people it is simpler to make the wrong choice. A person looks for something that they think will ease their worrying and this is usually something that they think is a treat. The foods that are chosen may taste good but are not usually healthy for us. These foods are typically less healthy and lead to increased weight gain.
You glucose levels fluctuate more. If the worrying is constant the affect can be more long term. Too much stress has even been linked many health problems. Weight gain is only one of them.
Our body processes fat in a different way. Higher levels of stress are linked to greater levels of abdominal fat. It is not fun to look in the mirror at a big stomach. It is also linked with greater health risks than fat stored in other areas of the body.
As the year nears its’ end a person can do a few things to try to deal with the stressful situations.

A person will eat to feel better. In order to feel better a person will look to things that they should not be eating and will find themselves indulging in larger amounts of it. Think about how you have reacted to stress, and what types of foods that you normally turn to when you are under that stress even though you know you should not do it.
We look for the easy way to prepare our meals. It is hard to fit everything into the day. They think it is easier to grab dinner through a drive thru. But that type of diet is not healthy. The link behind eating refined and processed food and a person’s inability to stay fit and trim is well documented.
People are to busy to exercise. With all the demands on your schedule, exercise may be one of the last things on your to do list and the commercials that promise a way for us to learn how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills seems like just the thing that will solve our weight issues, but the reality is that it is only a temporary solution and the only way to get to a healthy weight and stay there is through a proper diet and exercise program.
Worrying too much is a poor reason for a person to allow themselves to do unhealthy things. It is up to the individual to make the right decisions about their body. Controlling your stress is one way to enjoy more holidays in the future.

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