A Little Background Of The Secret

3rd January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you haven’t actually read or seen The Secret you may be hearing a lot of wording thrown around that doesn’t quite make sense. The book that inspired The Secret was written over a century ago so some of the language may sound “cute.” I’ve heard people say the language of the time sounds forced and unnatural.

This was really an exciting time. New knowledge was changing everything. Charles and Myrtle Filmore were creating study groups that eventually became Unity Church; Ernest Holmes founded Religious Science and Edgar Cayce was giving psychic readings that were eerily accurate.

The old ways were being swept away. Key to this process were the advances of science. People were being told that they had a power over the world around them.

Based on this knowledge people began to consider the nature of the universe as something pliable; something we could shape with the power of our will. The idea of Positive Mental Attitude, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, the fields of art, literature, music and many others were strongly altered by this shift in thought.

Many people may think the philosophy of the New Age culture sounds like The Force of Star Wars fame, which “surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” This view of a universal substance that is omnipresent is echoed in many of the world’s great religions and is referenced by Wallace Wattles as “a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.”

The “new idea” that occurred 100 years ago was that we could directly impress our thoughts upon this “formless substance” and create our experience of life. No more pleading for the mercy of something higher than ourselves! Such a concept was very transformational to the mindset of the time.

One thing is for sure: it’s good to have choices. How can we know the unknowable? It makes sense to this writer that if we are made in the image of a Supreme Being then we would be co-creators of our lives.

Do you believe in past lives? Whether you do or not, it should not dictate the way you live your present life! I would not like to find out in the end that my ultimate fate depended on whether I mumbled certain chants or rubbed magic beads in a certain order.

The big secret behind The Secret is the Law of Attraction; another way of saying this is “like attracts like.”. It’s exactly what the New Agers, the Positive Mental Attitude people and the optimistic folk have been trying to tell us all this time. The Secret is a secret because we don’t see it right in front of us!

It really makes for an interesting study. The book that inspired The Secret is titled The Science of Getting Rich. Published over 100 years ago, it is in the public domain today. Look for more information in the next paragraph.

Adam Dillinger owns the Self Help Hotline and has been involved in self improvement and New Age thinking since childhood. He is excited to offer a free copy of the book that inspired The Secret. You can learn more about it here.

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