My Life As A Gamer

30th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

My life as a gamer began when I was a young kid. I have played them for over four decades. Technology has taken games to an unbelievable level. However not everything is new about the systems. When looking back on my years o playing it is fun to look at what has been, what is right now and what will come in the future and with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date and my rush to the store to get one for Christmas, it is a good time to write down my experiences as a gamer.

I began my life as a gamer by playing Pong There was nothing very complex about this gaming system. But it was impossible to put down. I enjoyed the game with friends and families for a long time. Nothing else was important. I wanted to be the champion. As I think back on that game, I remember when my parents first. The game was not cheap. It definitely was one of the more expensive gadgets in our home and probably was close to a couple hundred dollars. It was a lot of money back then and is very comparable to the cost of the systems that are sold today. The original consoles had only a little variety. You had a choice of one or two players. That was the extent of the game.

Next up was a variety of systems that hit the market. These allowed for multiple game cartridges to be plugged into them. I loved being able to switch the games. There I was driving a race car or playing baseball on my own television. I started to find this technology was even better than before. There was still games to be played at the mall with my friends. However, when I couldn’t get to the mall, I had a substitute. And now my allowance went towards buying new game cartridges. My only regret was not taking better care of these consoles because in today’s market people a lot for the old consoles and titles.

Through my college years and as a young adult, I still played video games.|I grew older and more independent, but I still liked gaming.|The idea o being a gamer was still a part of me even as I became a part of the adult world.} It was not as much as when I was younger. There was always some way to play a game in my home. I bought a personal computer when they started being sold. Going online gave me something to do as well. The thought of being a gamer took a backseat to getting married and having kids. As my kids grew, video games reappeared in my home. They were better than ever.

We bought a Microsoft Xbox. I could not believe how real the games were. There were so many games to choose from. We bought games that kept our children entertained. And I also picked out some that I would enjoy. After the kids went to bed, I would start playing the games. There were times that I would lose track of the time. Just like when I first played Pong, I was enjoying the games a lot. I could get ways from reality for a short while by engaging in these systems. We had a fairly full schedule and there was not a lot of time available for gaming. My games would be not be played for a month at a time. The gamer in me was still alive if I could find the time to play. That is something that never changes.

This Christmas bought the xbox 360 kinect and with it came a whole new world of video gaming that has my family and myself moving around and using the video gaming system as our own personal gym while my kids practice their football and baseball techniques. Playing this makes me feel young again.

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