Making The Right choices For Your Body This Year

18th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Making The Right choices For Your Body This Year

I know the biggest New Year’s Resolution for people is always to lose weight They start out by finding a program that they saw on a late night infomercial that promises to show them how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills but lose momentum within a week or two and by February that New Year’s Resolution is a thing of the past, but for me I am going to try something different this year. This year is the year I learn how to get fit and trim and stay that way.

My plan is just to get healthy. I am more concerned with following a healthy lifestyle than I am about just following a diet.

I will need to do some things different in order to accomplish my goal.

1. A fad diet is not going to work for me, Using a plan that shows you how to lose weight at home in a week is not a permanent lifestyle solution, leading you to think of it as a short term event, so instead, I plan to try to make healthy food choices most days of the week and have one day where I can splurge and eat whatever I want. I believe that this method is the best way for me to actually accomplish what I want to do. The truth is that restrictive diet is almost impossible to follow and everyone needs to treat themselves on occasion. That should not be a reason to forgo your New Year’s Resolution. If you have a plan that includes some treats, it makes your plan that much easier to stick with.

2. How well I do is not going to be determined by an arbitrary number. You will not always notice the things that you are doing to improve your health even though they are there. If your shirts are not so snug, you have made progress. Do not get discouraged if the numbers are not what you wanted when you begin. You will notice your clothes fitting better from consistent exercise and a few pounds of weight loss.

3. You can get help from others. For some, their family can be their support system. There are other ways for people to find support and that does not mean finding a DVD with a plan on how to lose weight fast without exercise, but rather the support of real people either through a community weight loss group or you can also join online support groups to get the support that you need.

4. Write it down. Keep a log on your computer or in a special book. Include some specific numbers in your tracking. This tracking can be very beneficial in for many people. Another motivation for exercise is to set up a destination that you want to walk to. The diary can also be used to chart how often you work out and what kind of work out you do. Dedicate a section of your log to the way that your lifestyle is affecting your mood. It is a great way to let out the feelings that are occurring because of the changes that you are making in your life.

5. Do not forget to celebrate your accomplishments. You can treat yourself to something that will not interfere with the lifestyle that you are trying to follow. As you hit specific small goals take your self out for a night on the town that involves a show or a night of dancing. It is okay to enjoy what you have accomplished.

If I use these sensible guidelines than I can achieve their New Year’s resolution. My body will feel better. I will feel better about myself. My body will stay healthy and there will not be a need to think about doing this again.

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