Do Not Pack On The Pounds At The End Of The Year

15th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As the year comes to an end, many of us take the time to enjoy the festivities that surround us on a daily basis. They also bring lots of opportunities for socializing, eating, and drinking. Even the most disciplined people struggle with temptation during the holiday season. If a person wants to make the right choices during the holiday season they must come up with a plan.
To help you survive the seasonal parties without packing on the pounds without having to find a program that shows you how to lose weight fast at home in a week once the holidays are over you need to create a plan and what follows are some tips to help you navigate the diet landscape.
1. You do not have to do it all The key thing to do is enjoy the season without having to eat everything that is placed in front of you. Think about what you are eating and limit the amount of foods that you eat that are full of fat. Trim calories at holiday feasts. Leave the party feeling satisfied, but not stuffed.

2. Do not put on a baggy shirt and find things to do with your hands. The right wardrobe is a good way for a person to control their ability to make the right choices. While you stand around looking posh in your holiday finery, hold a drink in hand so it won’t be so easy to grab food.
3. Choose your foods wisely. Only eat the things that you are really going to enjoy. Pick things out that are a special treat that you do not have on a regular basis when choosing your foods. Pick out the things that bring about memories that are special at this time of year. Find a seat and, slowly and mindfully, savor every mouthful.
4. Bring a pack of gum along. Rather than filling up a plate of food, try a stick of gum instead. This works well when you’re cooking or when you’re trying not to dive into the buffet.

5. Not eating is not good for you. Just because you do not eat does not mean that you can eat more at a later time. If you skip a meal to save up calories tend to overeat when given the opportunity. The best diet plans include small meals during the day and small healthy snacks in between.

6. Do not rush to the buffet line. Start out mingling when at a holiday affair and try to avoid the buffet for a half an hour. It is important to give yourself an opportunity to adapt to the atmosphere to help you make a plan that will be better for you. Planning what you will eat will help a person avoid overeating.

7. Do not drink to much. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with calories. Combining alcoholic drinks with non alcoholic drinks can lower your total caloric intake substantially and avoiding alcohol completely could mean that you will not be looking for a some plan that tells you how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills when the parties over and done with.

8. Be aware of the dangers of the appetizers. The starters that are passed at parties can be fried and are usually not the right choice to make. There are some choices that a person can make during these parties that are not as bad and those are the ones that you should opt for.

9. Do not overfill your plate. Try putting only two items on your plate when you go to the food table. If you are not satisfied go back to the buffet and try a couple of more things. The best way to limit the amount of food that you take in is not to put it in front of you in the first place.
People can enjoy this time of year without destroying their diet. There are plenty of other ways that a person can celebrate. Keep focused on the spirit of the season. You will start off the New Year without having to go on a diet.

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