Cremation Services Over Burials

4th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Reading this, you are either planning for a funeral in the present tense or planning one for the future. You also must be thinking on whether what you’re funeral shall be like. Either way, this is not a happy time but planning is required so here you are wanting to know the advantages of cremation services over the traditional burial rituals.

First things first, what is a cremation? Basically, it is when the remains of the dead are burned at extreme temperatures as to render the body into ash without any solid residue left. The ash is then either placed in an urn or scattered in a pre-determined place or whatever the deceased wish to be done with it. Some would want it placed in lockets so their loved ones can wear his remains close to their hearts, while some may opt to have the ash scattered at sea or in a place where the deceased used to frequent. The possibilities are endless and this is one of the advantages of getting a cremation rather than a burial. melbourne funeral services for one, do everything you wish.

Another so-called advantage, which has their own share of critics, is that having the body burned rather than buried means it is much more safe for everyone. You see, sometimes a body is not buried properly and as the body decays, harmful gases or disease can emanate from it. This is of course not good. Let’s say a person succumbs to a highly contagious and dangerous disease, to prepare it for burial and buried can lead to an epidemic, so it is suggested that the body be burned right away. This is just one example where the act of cremating the body will result in a safer environment for everyone.

This next one is rather a small trivial matter but it is reason for concern anyway. The world is over populated with billions of souls walking the earth. Now, where do we put all those bodies if they were to be buried? Cemeteries are packed and the ones that still have plots tend to cost a small fortune. It is therefore recommended to get a solid funeral plan to help you with the logistics of a the funeral. Now, if the body were to be cremated, The space occupied by the ashes is significantly smaller than a whole body right? Whether it is in an urn or scattered, that’s one less body to bury in an already populated graveyard.

The advantages of having cremation services are too numerous to mention, but as with all things, there are disadvantages as well. But with this article’s focus on the advantages, let’s leave the disadvantages to another article. Each has their own pros and cons so it is best if you ask around the various funeral services near you to find out which is perfect for your needs. IF none are available near you, a simple phone call will do just as well. In the end, no matter what a person’s religious practices are, whether other people see it as taboo or something inhuman, it all boils down to the person’s personal preference.

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