The Twelve Dieting Tips Of Christmas

30th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For most people, holiday eating means abandoning diets and gaining weight. A little advance planning can help prevent that post-holiday bulge without ruining your holiday feast and without you worrying about how you are going to find out how to lose weight fast once the holiday season is over and you get the shock of your life when you step on the scale.
1. Reduce or avoid alcohol. This will help a person keep the pounds off. Alcohol is fattening. Many people find it necessary to eat something as they drink. It is difficult to avoid the temptations of food if you are not completely in control.
2. Fill yourself up if you are going out to a Christmas affair. You’ll be less likely to fill up on sweets and high-calorie appetizers. The less of the unhealthy food that you eat, the better off you will be and you will be less likely to be searching for a plan that shows you how to lose weight fast without exercise when you realize that the pants that you used to wear to work no longer fit around your waist.

3. Keep up your exercise program. Physical activity has many benefits and can make it easier to get through all of the things you face during this time of year.

4. There are lots of recipes for things that are not as unhealthy for you. You can let other people in on the idea. There are plenty of choices that a person can make that will be good for them during this time of year. Good food can also be good for you.

5. Arrive at mealtime for a dinner party and avoid before-dinner drinks and appetizers. Bar foods and appetizers are things that are not usually very healthy for a person to eat. The best thing a person can do to keep from eating them is to never see them in the first place.

6. Do not put out bowls full of candy, but put out vegetable trays or something similar instead. They look just as festive and are healthier.

7 Not all of the events require your presence. You’ll save a lot of calories and time. It will allow you to enjoy the ones you go to that much more. Most of us find it hard to do everything we want to anyway. That can add to the bad feelings that you have during the holidays.

8. Do not try to be a gourmet chef. Good food does not have to be complicated. You could also receive a lot of compliments for doing something that is better for everyone.

9. You cannot change everything. At a holiday dinner or party, indulge in some goodies, but eat smaller portions and try to make the best choices that you can but you do have to avoid everything and should indulge in some of the foods that you crave just keep it under control and you will not be looking for something that shows you how to lose weight fast without exercise and pills once the parties have ended.

10. Make sure that you eat normally during the Christmas season. You don’t want to arrive starving and then gorge yourself on sweets and other unhealthy fare. If you eat on a normal schedule it is easier to say no to a large buffet that is placed in front of you.

11. Make sure to take it easy and enjoy yourself. Eating something that gives you pleasure is okay so long as you do not overdo it or do it everyday. Do not go through the season with regrets.

12. Drink lots of water. This is another secret to dieting at any time of the year.

Following just these few tips can make it easier to get through the holiday season. Looking in the mirror when the holidays are over should not be something you dread.

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