How To Increase Self Confidence Without A Therapist

22nd November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you want to know techniques on how to increase self confidence, there are a lot of them so you don’t have to worry. It is normal to look for techniques to make you really feel a lot more assured about yourself. No one wants the feeling of becoming excessively aware about themselves just because their own self-assurance is extremely low.

One of your worst emotions which you can have is the disappointment of not being able to express what you actually want to express or not being able to exhibit what you happen to be capable of doing. You do not feel that you can actually do it; when in reality you can. If only you had the courage to step up and speak. If only you have the confidence.

One simple and easy step on how to increase self confidence would be to write down the things which you are very good at. There’s no need to feel ashamed because it’s only you who is writing it. No one will discover that you are writing it, so write the things which you know you are able to do really well. Create it with confidence and with honesty.

As soon as you have written the draft of the things which you are very good at, rewrite it on a pretty paper and put it on your mirror or on your bedside table. Place it somewhere you can notice it every day. Move it around so you don’t get so used to seeing it that you do not even notice it anymore.

You should also read it aloud. This is going to be your reminder that there are some things which you can be assured about. Make it a habit until such time that you do not have to remind your self anymore about how great you are.

Yet another way to increase your self confidence is to praise your self in front of your mirror. Compliment the way you look good in that new clothing or how your hair looks good when it is down. These kinds of things may seem trivial and even a little silly, however it certainly can help. All of it begins with the smallest things. When you keep on complimenting your self, you’ll ultimately feel very good about it and will be able to walk with confidence.

The crowd which you hang with is also an important aspect to develop self confidence. If you are often with those who do not know how to smile or how to be thankful, then that can be a genuine issue. Affiliate with those who are optimistic and who’ve a great outlook on life.

Should you keep on hanging around with those who have a dark persona, you’ll simply feel a lot more down and won’t be able to smile and feel good. But if you keep on going out or staying with those who really like to smile, have fun, and see the elegance in life, you will likely be someone who is just like them, as well, happy, radiant and confident.

Probably the most important point to remember when increasing your self confidence is merely believing in your self. Don’t put your self down. The very first person that needs to believe in you and your capabilities is no one other than you.

You can also grab this free report and gain self confidence and self reliance starting today? Do it now by going to

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