Is It Good For Us To Play Video Games

12th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments
Computer and video games have come along way since Space Invaders and Pac Man. Today’s games are much more complex and interesting, and the technology has advanced to the point where a gamer can become immersed in a game.
Many parents worry that kids are not getting enough exercise when they spend too much time playing games. Is there too much time taking away from the children’s schoolwork due to the gaming? These are important issues. Kids have been known to lose all track of time and ignore other things because of their desire to play the games.
Some games can become a substitute for real life, and because of the new systems like the xbox 360 kinect players can become immersed in the experience of living in an imaginary world and move their bodies while the characters on the screen move with them. Some things should be understood about the problems that too much gaming can caused.
Studies have shown that young people who spend too much time playing computer or video games do not do as well at school. Computer games may also be linked to obesity. Despite the addition of movement in the games, kids are still not getting enough exercise. Playing an exciting game 2 or 3 hours before bed has been shown to cause sleep and memory problems in young people. Some kids are learning that winning is more important than how you play. For some, these problems mean that playing a video game is no longer fun.
There are those who cannot live without playing the games. Young gamers have shown similar symptoms to people who have drug or alcohol dependence; an inability to stop playing, and withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and agitation, if they go without access to their gaming fix and this has been fueled by the manufacturers who hype the games or promise a spectacular event for the xbox 360 kinect release date.
For some people the experience that they get playing the video is a way for them to get away from other issues in their life. Just like other addictions, it is hard for someone to find safer ways to deal with normal life issues.
People are getting injured due to video games. You can develop problems from playing games or sitting at the computer too long. It usually happens due to repeating the same physical movement over and over. For injuries such as this the person needs to check with a medical professional.
There is a positive side to video games and a reason to go looking for a deal to get the best possible xbox 360 kinect price that you can find, and while it is important to be aware of the dangers, it is also just as important to remember why people enjoy playing the games so much.

It is enjoyable to play the games.
There is some evidence that playing computer games improves hand-eye coordination.
Improved vision can be another result that may occur for some people.
There are a lot of games that are now designed to help a person get active and can actually help improve a person’s overall health.
Being a good gamer is a source of self-esteem for some young people.
Kids are becoming more technology savvy because they are playing the video games.
Many of the people who play video games are turning into a opportunity to mix with others.
There is a connection between games and when playing a game on line a person will be able to connect with someone who they had never met before and increasing their social abilities.
Many titles are available to help teach children.
The use of video games is now becoming popular to train people for various jobs.
So enjoy your games. But do not forget to get outside for some regular exercise.

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