How To Get Treat Acne Scars Naturally

10th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For most people acne scars are rather more of an issue than acne itself, because they will be able to take many years left away. But , how do acne scars form anyway? Scars are actually part of the body’s healing process. Most wounds (aside from the really tiny ones) result in some kind of scars. Every time you suffer from an injury or wound (that might have been caused by a big spot), your body tries to patch up the skin by making collagen fibres. The issue is the new tissue is inferior to the old skin tissue, both with respect to texture and quality. This tissue is more sun-sensitive, and hasn’t got sweat glands or follicles.

Therefore, how do you get rid of acne scars at home? One of the most efficient methods of scar removal involves the use of home-made remedies. The following home remedies that can help you to get rid of scarring in a completely natural way are given below.

Lemon juice consists of citric acid that can be effective in reducing scar tissue and the rosiness of the skin. Use a cotton ball to apply the juice of a freshly cut lemon on the scar at least two times a day. Lemon juice is also impressive on older scars. What is more, by drinking lemon juice every day you can grow new epidermal cells at a faster rate and increase pliability.

Rosehip seed oil can be a wonderful home remedy for acne scars, so long as it’s used by you regularly. The healing properties of rose hip oil have been seen for dozens of years. Actually in 1978 Dr Fabiola Carbajal from the college of Santiago, found that rosehip oil was impressive even with scars that were over twenty years old and hadn’t improved with any other treatment. One of Dr Carbajal’s patients was a 33-year-old girl, who suffered from in depth hypertrophic scarring, because of a vehicle wreck. After treating her with rose hip oil for four months, the patient experienced fantastic skin regeneration. Rose hip oil is composed of lenoleic and linolenic acid that play a very important role in fixing damaged tissues. It works by loosening up the wiry cords and is effective on every kind of scar. What’s more, rose hip oil can help you reduce the size of pores, minimize wrinkles, make your skin more elastic, help you treat burns, reduce decolorations, heal sun damage and prevent early ageing.

These are just a couple of ways to remove an acne scar, but should you really want to get shot of acne scars once and for all without plastic surgery, you want to follow a trusty natural scar removal programme.

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Posted on: November 10, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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