How Can Interactive Toys Keep Our Young Healthier

5th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The allure of gaming systems is very strong in our children. The shelves of electronic stores are full of these types of games. Is this new type of interactive gaming healthier for our children? Is it the same as if they participate in more traditional activities? New generations of active computer game systems like the xbox 360 kinect stimulate greater energy expenditure than sedentary games, but they are no substitute for playing real sports, yet the younger generation seems to be turning to them more and more every day.
Is it possible to keep your body fit with these toys? What matters is what a parents expectations are. The average American child spends four hours watching television each day. Children do not have to expend much energy to do this. Research has shown that every child should get at least sixty minutes of activity on a daily basis to keep themselves in shape. So, any game that gets kids up and moving is a good thing. A child can break a sweat with these games. {However, they’re better off going out and playing real sports instead of jumping in front of a TV screen.|It would be better if a child is able to get outside and play instead of depending on these video games.|Children should still get on their bicycles and ride around the neighborhood when they can as this is always a better choice for exercising.
Researchers say energy used during interactive games was much lower than during the real sports, such as bowling, tennis and boxing and have found that using something like the Wii system or the new Microsoft kinect system was not intense enough. They feel that they do not really make a difference toward achieving the daily recommended amount of physical activity for children.
How do video games compare with real sports in terms of calories? Studies have shown that doing the same activities in a traditional way will burn as much as twice the amount of energy as doing these activities with a gaming system. Traditional exercise is better. But if a person is to choose between doing nothing and playing a video game they will get a lot more return on the investment they made for the xbox 360 kinect price when they turn on the television and get up off the sofa to interact with it.
Research has proven that kids can get themselves fit by using these gaming systems. Plenty has been written that shows how effective a fitness program video game can be for children. It is hard to deny the facts. Youngsters are twice as likely to lose the weight when they play something that involves movement rather than an older more sedentary type of game. It is hard to deny the evidence. Children have gotten fit and trim. The best part is that they think they are playing a game and not that they are working out. Kids do not associate playing video games with staying fit because they are just playing games.
The games are also good for kids to play together. The games are one method that parents can use to entertain several children at a time. If they can not find friends in the neighborhood, they can find a partner on line. Playing these games are not just for a single person.
What is the best way to keep our kids fit and active? Kids need to be moving around. If they can’t go outside, at least keep them active with an interactive video game. It’s better than sitting. But if they can go out and play or participate in school or team sports, have them do it. There is no replacement for the real thing.

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