Go With The Flow Sequence: RefuelHydrating the soul

26th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We welcome everyone to our zionsville church
3 annual pilgrimage feasts for that Jews…
• Feast of Passover – celebrated within the spring to acknowledge the beginning in the grain harvest
• Feast of Pentecost – occurred seven weeks later, celebrating the finish in the grain harvest
• Feast of Tabernacles – week-long autumn harvest festival
John 7:37-38
37 Around the final and greatest day in the Feast, Jesus stood and says in a loud voice, “If any person is
thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
38 Whoever believes in me, since the Scripture has says, streams of dwelling water will movement from within
Jesus’ creed in the existing – remain according to the current and you will be good.
Psalm 92:12
The righteous will prosper like a palm tree, they’ll develop like a cedar of Lebanon;
Proverbs 14:eleven
The home in the wicked will likely be destroyed, however the tent in the upright will prosper.
John ten:ten
The thief arrives only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have existence, and have it for the
A flourishing existence = it arrives from outside oneself,
delivers renewal within oneself,
for that sake of creating blessing beyond oneself.
I. It arrives from outside yourself…
A foundational fact in existence is that there is actually a god and its not you.
“There is actually a God. It can be not you. This could be the beginning of wisdom. At first, it appears like poor news due to the fact I
would wish to run the globe. I would wish to gratify my desires. I would wish to have my unique way. But once
we believe about it, this thought turns out to become very great news. It signifies that an individual far wiser and much more
qualified is operating the present. It can be his work to become God; it really is my work to learn to let him be who he’s. The
Bible says, ‘The fool has says in his coronary heart, ‘There is no God.’ I suppose the even larger fool, looking in
the mirror, has says, ‘There is actually a god!’ for that oldest temptation is that we ‘will be like God.’ Genuine existence,
however, commences when I die for the false god that is me.” – John Ortberg
II. delivers renewal within yourself…
— the current of Jesus’ dwelling water generally flows within the direction in the fruit in the Spirit (Galatians five)
— when an individual bumps into me, what spills out of me reveals what’s within of me.
III. creating blessing beyond yourself…
— the current of Jesus’ dwelling water flows outward, in loving acts of service to other people
— Augustine described sin as a existence turned in on itself. Jesus says we’ll discover existence when we give ours absent.
Concerns for this Lenten journey…
† Am I flourishing these days…is there existence flowing in the belly of my soul?
† Am I clear on my position?
† Would be the existence I’m currently dwelling the existence God called and produced me to reside?
† Would the individuals close to me say that I’m much more loving today than a year ago?
† Would the individuals who know me well say I reside with an others-oriented-posture?
† Am I going with the movement…or fighting the movement?
40/30 Challenge = 30 minutes of focused time with God a day for 40 consecutive days

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