Is It Possible To Mend My Broken Heart and Save My Marriage By Getting Plastic Surgery?

26th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I believe plastic surgery has given many women misleading hope in terms of saving their marriage. But who are the women having the plastic surgery completed for, themselves or to hold on to their man? You could however find yourself struggling to mend your broken heart, no matter what your intentions are.

The first to get plastic surgery was my friend Cori. Even though they have been married for 16 years, due to the shaky relationship they had a trial separation earlier this year. They decided to give their marriage another chance as the kids were starting to misbehave at home and school. There was a lot to work through as both of them had had affairs. Cori’s husband, Will, was over compensating to try and bring the excitement back into their relationship and Cori was always measuring herself up to the woman her husband had the affair with.

They both came to the conclusion as they were trying to work through their problems that plastic surgery would help. Will hoped that with Cori’s new self-confidence that their relationship would get that excitement back where as Cori wanted to feel better about her body. They decided that Cori would get breast implants as this was the one thing on her body that she was not happy with.

The surgery was a success as Cori told me that she literally had to fight her husband off and she loved it! She claimed that it was the best decision they had ever made and she was quite sure that it saved their marriage.

Unfortunately that is not always the case, in fact some men are terrified of their women getting any plastic surgery done. One man, from Alberta, says he loves his wife exactly as she is, but she wants to have a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast implants. He fears that with this new body, she will run off and have an affair, when all she really wants is the body she had before they had children. Are these acceptable fears?

Most women get plastic surgery to make them feel better about themselves. If their current relationship is not working then the surgery could give them the confidence they need to leave it. However, no damaging effects should be felt if the relationship is rock-solid.

Confession of another woman revealed that her husband inquired if she would ever contemplate getting breast implants. Even though her breasts weren’t as perky after having two kids, she believed he loved her C cups. She immediately began to feel self-conscious about them and decided to get surgery done to please him because she thought that is what he wanted. Even though it was quite a naive comment it planted an ugly seed into her head.

She thought she looked like a clown as she felt her slim build looked like a pencil with two huge balloons on it. As such the surgery made her feel depressed. She became more and more self-conscious even though her husband told her she looked beautiful. Ultimately, she decided to have the surgery reversed and a breast lift done in its place and it was all done with her husband’s total support. For the first time in a lengthy time she stated, she feels like herself once more and her husband is extremely happy to have her old self back.

Most research states that plastic surgery often does not help if a relationship is already having problems, has a history of problems, or if you are getting the surgery to please someone else. The surgery is only a short-term answer, as the original troubles are still there. Those problems need to be dealt with before considering surgery or your relationship won’t survive anyways.

This is just what Cori experienced. Six months after her breast surgery her marriage began to have problems again. While her new body and confidence had been a great distraction for six months, the same old problems and patterns began to surface and they were back where they had started – separated. She did the surgery for herself and her husband, for which she has no regrets despite her broken heart that they couldn’t work it out. She says she has much more confidence in herself and she know her heart will heal.

When it is not used to act as a “answer” to save your marriage, plastic surgery done for the appropriate intentions can have many positive affects. In any case, it is completely natural to want to alter something you’ve always wanted to alter, want to have your body back after having children or just to fight aging. You should not be doing to please someone else, you have to be doing it because you want it no matter what. So if you are trying to save your marriage with plastic surgery you may instead find yourself trying to mend your broken heart.

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