Mend Your Broken Heart – What to Do When He Cheats on You

12th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

All you are feeling is pain and anger because it was just revealed to you that he cheated on you. What can you do to learn to trust again and mend your broken heart?

When someone intimate to us deceives us, we begin to look at the entire world in a different way. Where do we go from here when we trusted them and then they shattered that trust? Do we dump them or forgive them?

It will make us wild trying to think why he did it as his cheating is a massive blow to our confidence. Were we not attractive enough? Good enough? What didn’t we provide in the relationship that he felt he needed to go somewhere else for it? You have to investigate what went wrong in the relationship and scrutinize his affair, even if you can’t forgive him.

Was it an affair or a one-night stand? A full blown affair could mean a number of things, and it may not be all his fault. How have the two of you been getting along lately? Are you still having fun or are you arguing all the time. Has your relationship been stuck in a rut lately?

Why was he tempted if it was just a one-night stand? How well did he know the other girl or had he just bumped into her? Do you believe this could occur again, what’s more you’ll need to look at your relationship.

The lines of communications need to be opened up with him no matter how mad you are at him! Is the relationship worth fixing or not, is something you need to find out. Be very direct with him and ask him to be truthful and why he did. Is he remorseful? Your relationship to continue and succeed, does he want it? What is he looking for in the relationship and is he getting it, are things you need to know no matter how deeply it hurts. If they are things you think you can provide then you may want to give it another try.

It’s time to move on if he tells you the things that he needs either isn’t you or you just don’t think you can do. Neither of you are the right one for each other. And he may end up cheating again if you pretend to be someone you aren’t.

It will take awhile to build that faith back up and then you will be able to pardon him, that is if you choose to stay with him. You will not be doing yourself or him any favors if you tell him that you have forgiven him and then toss it back in his face every time you think something is amiss. If you are having trouble trusting him again then you may want to try counseling, it’s a difficult thing to learn to do again.

You may have trouble trusting other guys even though you have elected to let him go. By making your new boyfriends pay for your ex’s mistakes this will only drive them away, so don’t, be truthful with the new boyfriends.

So it doesn’t happen again, you need to learn from this situation or hopefully you will see the signs before it happens. You have to do what is right for you and mend your broken heart is not an easy task after he has cheated on you. Have faith in yourself even if you don’t have any in him.

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