Don’t Be Afraid of Hypnosis Therapy

10th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many counseling clients choose to beg off from sessions when they are given the choice to undergo hypnosis therapy by a psychologist in Melbourne. It’s possible that you may have the exact same reaction when this approach is recommended. You should know though that there really is absolutely nothing to be afraid about.

When hypnotism is used as a therapeutic approach, it is more appropriately known as hypnotherapy. As the term suggests, this is supposed to involve a healing procedure of sorts. In the hands of a qualified specialist, it is not intended to do harm or to impede the resolution of life issues.

There is a possibility that the general fear that hangs over hypnosis is the result of dramatic renditions of it. A hypnosis session is typically seen in the same light as what is seen on TV or in top grossing films. These present hypnosis as a means of eliminating a person’s sense of personal control and removing his conscious awareness of what goes on around him. Once a subject loses control, a hypnotist can ask him to do things that would normally be against his will.

Do remember that this is really just how filmmakers portray the method. To some extent, there is some truth to the idea that bad people may try to use the technique to gain an unfair advantage over others. This is not what you would normally expect out of a hypnosis in Melbourne therapy session though. This is not what will happen at all.

There is no reason to be afraid when you are into the process for therapy purposes. Things just work differently. A client can expect to enter a trance state. This however is not the same state that completely removes free will and awareness. In a therapeutic trance, the person is simply led to connect to his deeper subconscious. Hence, he becomes more privy to what lies deep within and becomes more open to listening to suggestions from a trained counselor. At any time during the hypnosis session however, a client can choose to stop the session, speak his mind or get up and go. The counselor has no control over the client at all.

The correct description of hypnotherapy is that it is a healing process that involves assisting conflicted individuals into finding their own solutions. The absolute objective then of every therapy session is to make a person feel that he is the source and executor of the right steps towards healing.

In a way, hypnotism as a form of treatment is a process of self-realization. This is hardly something to be afraid about. Moreover, a good counselor will always assess your fitness for the process first before allowing you to undergo it. The only thing you should fear is if you have a counselor who doesn’t seem to have the right credentials or training to help you go through the therapeutic process.

There is nothing bad or scary about true hypnosis therapy. If you’ve done everything you can to try to help yourself and nothing seems to work, this may be the one thing you’ve been missing. As long as you make sure you have a trained specialist with you, nothing can go wrong.

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