Can The Absonic Belt Strengthen Your Abs

7th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Bateery powered belts that fit around your waist are very common. The big questions is can they do what they say? In order to understand whether they can do as they claim or not, it is important to know where they came from in the first place.The origin of these devices is necessary for someone to know what they can and can not do.}
The first use of these devices was for helping rehabilitate some injuries. They first found use in the medical field when they were used for people who suffered muscle or bone injuries. If a person was injured in such a way that they could not move the bone or muscle they could turn to these devices to keep them moving. The electricity would cause your muscles to work even if they were covered with a cast due to an accident. This would provide a minimum level of stimulation, thus keeping the muscle active.
As far as building muscle, such as the ads like the ones for the Absonic Belt on TV claim, this is not backed up by research because the level of electrical stimulation necessary to build up the abdominal muscles to what you see on TV would be extremely high, and thus very painful.
It is not unheard of that people will try to use a machine to get rid of the meat that is growing around their midsection. In reality, the small muscle contractions produced by these belts burn about as many calories as the effort required to take the belt out of the box and put the batteries in.
If you read the fine print in these ads, you will also notice that the instructions for use also include a suggested exercise and nutrition plan. If a person follows that suggestion than they will get a fit and trim body. If a person has a goal of losing weight fast then they need to do more than just strap a machine around their waist and although they might receive some benefits from using one of these machines they must commit themselves to a total fitness program to achieve the goals they want.
How come there are so many absonic belt reviews that claim the machine was able to produce miracles. The bottom line is that there is a little bit of a workout provided when the machine is worn. When a person’s abs are totally lacking any form of stimulation, any amount of stimulation has the potential to produce results. It is simply a matter of something is better than nothing. But it is not that much better.
A much better solution for working your abdominal muscles effectively is to do the unglamorous crunch exercise. It may not send electric shocks into your guts but it will get the job done. Crunches, even done properly and regularly, won’t burn fat but they will definitely tighten up your abs.
Should a person invest anything in one of the devices? The reality is that the ads are slickly produced to make them seem incredible. They are making pie in the sky promises that are designed to sell the product. Do not be fooled by the hype. If you want to spend your money on a machine like the Absonic Belt, then do so with your eyes wide open and do not expect to achieve great results without putting in any other effort into modifying the way that you live. In order to get a great body and keep it that way a person needs to get rid of the bad habits that they have. It is the things that we did that created the problem to begin with. If a person does not want their weight to stay out of control, they must lead a lifestyle that is conducive to staying healthy. There is no machine that can change that.

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