Hypnotherapy Might Be For You – 4 Reasons

1st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Why haven’t you given hypnotherapy a go? The thought isn’t unigue. Many people have also had the very same thought. Some of them actually acted on that thought. Some never go past the daydream stage. Sometimes it’s because they don’t know how to approach it. Other times it’s because there are many variables. Other times they don’t follow through because they feel they can’t actually get through the experience. Everyone has their own personal reaction to the thought of hypnotherapy.

Well. Are those reasons really enough to make a decision on? Can all those be right? Is there anything else to think about? What if we play devil’s advocate on this and consider all the factors. Here are 5 excellent considerations about hypnotherapy to help you make a better decision on how it can help benefityou.

The first point is that the most natural therapy is hypnotherapy. The only agent involved is the client’s mind. No drugs, no devices, no techniques. Haven’t you ever found that you were not aware of what was going on around you and curious about what happened? Who hasn’t had that experience. That is an example of a self hypnosis auto-trance. You’ve been in hypnosis and didn’t even know it Common examples are times when we’ve been driving at night, watching television, or listening to someone speak when we’re not interested.

Of course, you can point out that, in fact, you didn’t do anything to induce the trances, so they’re really natural, not brought about by another person. Think about this a bit differently,if you like. Part of the journey of technological progress has been our finding better ways to do ‘natural’ things. The natural way to eat rice is by using our fingers. These days, though, we almost always pull out chopsticks or a fork to eat rice. Under normal conditions, no one would dream of having dinner like the cavemen did. Time and progress always move forward. We can create these natural trances with the magic of hypnotherapy,and then we can make the changes we want in our world.

Second, hypnotherapy is rapid in comparison with therapies which do not work directly with the subconscious. A main follow-on of the release is decreased anxiety. This new state can act as a powerful catalyst, by creating peace in the body an mind. This outcome of hypnotherapy then allows positive feelings to flourish, which influence the neuroendocrine system to send out neurotransmitters which make us feel good and promote healing These actions influence the client to feel happier and more positive, creating a feedback loop whereby the neuroendocrine system then releases the “happy pills and healing pills.”. Another factor affecting the speed of issue resolution is that hypnotherapy loops around the conscious mind. Everyone is familiar with the voicethat says “you’re not good enough”, “you’re too old”, “everybody else is better than you”, “nobody loves you”, and all the other negative messages you listen to every day. Since hypnotherapy avoids this aspect of the mind , big chunks of unnecessary work is bypassed, allowing results to develop much more quickly.

Third, hypnotherapy is an goal directed system. The hypnotherapist and client discuss and select the goals to be reached in the sessions. The directed technique maintains momentum in the proper direction. Since hypnotherapy is systematic, it is applicable to a great variety of challenges. A drug or reduced nicotine cigarette would likely not be important to a person who is trying to improve her putting stroke. Hypnotherapy has performed well in working on all parts of the person.

And fourth, hypnotherapy is fun. Most clients look forward to sitting down, letting go of everything, and chilling out. Don’t you want to try a stress relief mini-vacation?

Once you evaluate the reasons, I expect you will probably have to admit that a good case can be put forward that thinking about how you should try hypnotherapy.

O.K. Hearing all that, how do you feel now? Wasn’t that exposition persuasive? What would happen if you really considered just how much hypnotherapy can do for you ?

If you carefully consider the possibilities, you’ll see that a very strong case can be made for pondering how to be more open to hypnotherapy.

Think about it. Why don’t you call your neighbourhood hypnotherapist and see how make positive changes.

To learn more information on how much hypnotherapy can benefit you by going to our hypnotherapy web site at http://www.aucklandcityhypnotherapy.co.nz. You might find something of interest even if you’re not looking for hypnotherapy in Auckland!

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