Using Small Business Coaching To Banish Three Business Frustrations

24th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

To remedy the top 3 frustrations you may be experiencing perhaps a small business coaching program is in order.. An experienced coach can guide and support you in remedying these road blocks to small business success.

Not Enough Customers

Businesses need a constant stream of qualified prospects to fill the sales funnel with to survive. Have you got enough prospects coming into your sales pipeline now? How you promote and market your company dictates your results.You need to expand your knowledge and comfort zone when it comes to what marketing tools can be brought to bear in your business. If you have reviewed your results and need a real change of approach to deliver solid improvements,perhaps a small business coaching program is in order..

Lack of Focus and Lack of Direction

Non priority tasks are sometimes seen as quick wins leading you to concentrate on trivial projects at the expense of real progress.. Are you doing too many things and think this means you are productive? This can lead to poor results and an unhappy business owner. Completeing one priority task after another (sequentially) is more effective than jumping from task to task.
Clear vision, objectives and effective strategies will lead you to your goals and dreams more surely than flicking from project to project. Without distinct targets for your business you tend to make adhoc decisions which may, or may not, satisfy your desired outcomes. A decision to commence a small business coaching program could be the answer.

Working Too Many Hours

Try this. Estimate and document the number of hours you are dedicating to running your business each week. Multiply this by say 50. Now jot down how much you draw in remuneration from the business per annum. To reveal your hourly rate divide your yearly salary by the total hours you work per annum. You may find that your hourly rate is no more than that of a teenage shop assistant!.

I am sure that one of your main reasons you started your business was to create a great lifestyle for you and your family whilst building a future asset. The main goal here is to improve your business to the point where:

– You are making more income than if you were working for someone else
– The business is making a profit (not just covering your drawings)
– You will eventually be working less hours

There is a FREE report entitled How To Get All The Clients You’ll Ever Need waiting for you! Just go to my Melbourne Business Coaching website at

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