Should You Rid Yourself Of The Toxins That Are In You

17th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a misconception that detoxing is a quick-fix for a bad lifestyle but the truth is that detoxing is a temporary relief, and when you are to the point of considering a detox diet, what you should really be considering is overall healthier lifestyle habits because good health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.

Even if you are doing the best detox program, if you then continue to put toxic, heavy, indigestible foods and drinks into your body after, you are reversing the effects of detoxing as you go. I am not saying don’t detox, I’m saying this is a wake-up call for a lifestyle change that needs to be maintained, along with responsible and safe detox program that may serve to jump-start or enhance it and help a person lose fat naturally by using a combination of consistent healthy eating habits, mental and emotional balance, moderate exercise and pure water which is probably one of he best long-term detox programs you can adopt.

Our bodies detox everyday naturally through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. That’s the way our bodies work, but when our organs are extremely overworked and stressed, not just from the environmental pollutants they are exposed to and must filter, but also from our bad food choices such as processed foods, pesticides, toxins, animal protein and products, refined sugar, too much fat and caffeine etc finding one of the good detox diets could give them a break and help them get rid of all of these toxins.

In order to have the best effect when trying to remove the unwanted chemicals a person should look at the place where many of them are stored and that is the liver If your liver is not working properly, then you will have a problem. If you are considering a cleansing system, this should be remembered. Picking a good liver detox program should take three things into consideration. You should remove the chemicals, heal the damage caused, and prevent them from returning. Another key thing to remember is that although you are removing the toxins from your body, you still need to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition that your body requires. Removing the unwanted chemicals is a good thing but it is better to find a program that not only gets rid of them, but repairs the body and keeps it healthier as well.

The liver is a filter, just like the kidneys, and these organs work in concert with each other. It is possible to remove the unwanted chemicals from this system by drinking lots of liquids. You should participate in a liver detox only as a last resort, as a liver detox by itself can only provide a limited amount of help for your body. An overall healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, water and exercise is by far the best option to choose.
If you fall back to consuming the things that caused the toxins to get into your body in the first place, it wasted the efforts that you put into the program that you chose. When your cleansing system is done, do not just go right back to an unhealthy diet. Get rid of the unhealthy things that you do. That is what will help you stay healthy for the long term.

There are a lot of poisons around us that do not come in the form of food. Stress that we face everyday is one of the major dangers that we face. Thoughts, actions and stress will all have a very negative effect on our bodies and how they respond. Concentrate on this aspect as well to free yourself completely.

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