Fighting Weight Gain During Puberty

12th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is not easy to grow up as a teenager. If a teen is overweight, that just adds to the problems that are face. There is something that can be done. A teenager can follow a weight loss plan. There are a few recommendations that can help them achieve this goal.

Follow height and weight charts to help set goals and monitor weight loss. Eat a balanced diet while losing weight mostly by burning extra calories which means exercising even if that is just a six pack ab exercise program, and go to bed at the same time and sleep 6-8 hours every night. Include lots of liquid in your diet.

The teenage weight loss plan has some things that can ruin your dieting efforts. Never lose more than 2 pounds per week, and never lose weight by eating fewer calories without exercising, or do not limit or completely avoid eating any food group, while saying no to fast foods, and lastly don’t try to lose weight fasting or skip meals, the best way to lose weight is to eat 5-6 meals everyday

A teen can concentrate on 4 areas in order to shed the unwanted pounds.
Step one is to exercise. You need to combine some form of aerobic exercises with resistance training. It is important to do both for effective weight loss. A person will find themselves losing fat and the weight that comes from that even if they are adding more muscles to their body.
Step two is to eat a balanced diet and slowly reduce calories. Over the first couple of weeks a person should make sure the amount of calories in their daily intake is lowered by 5 percent. For the following seven days double that number. For the last seven days, the caloric intake is three times lower than the first fourteen days. That’s a total of 4 weeks of a reduced calorie diet. Continue exercising and monitor your weight loss. A teen should keep their weight loss to only about two pounds every week. When a person starts losing more than that they must increase their intake to balance it out. There are plenty of fad diets that are not healthy and should be avoided especially by teens.
Step three is to go on a diet holiday. After four weeks of lowering your intake, it is time to go back to a normal diet. You can eat the amount of food that you would have regularly, although it is still vital to watch the kind of food you eat. This is not the time to stop being physically active. After your seven day break, begin the twenty eight day regimen that you did before. It is the same as it was before, with the first fourteen days seeing a five percent reduction. Follow it with 10% for one week. The fourth week is the fifteen percent less intake. Follow all of this by going on vacation again.
Step four is to follow the diet cycle. Keep using the system every month. Lower your intake slowly and consistently and make sure to take a break every 4 weeks. Don’t stop the cycle unless you have lost the pounds that you wanted to.
That is it and, yes, it’s that simple to tone and maybe build your muscles, slowly reduce your calories over 4 weeks eating a balanced diet, and end the cycle with a one week diet holiday but keep exercising to get you into the shape that you desire and this message is repeated many times over on the internet on chat forums such as biggest loser weight loss forum where people tell of their own weight loss journeys.
One final note should be made before starting. Please visit your family doctor before starting any diet and exercise plan. Teenagers should discuss their regimen and with an adult before undertaking one. Parents need to be aware of what their teenagers are doing to their bodies.

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