New Age Calgary — Reiki, Soul Hunting, And Reconnecting To Your Higher Self, And More Can Be Found There.

9th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What are you looking for in new age Calgary? Calgary is a big city. A lot of everything can be found there. It has a large new age community. There are stores, seminars, workshops, and specialists. If you are looking for a big variety of seminars, go to offers for new age Calgary:

– Aura Photography.
– A thing called Aura Balancing.
Soul Hunting.
– Dance of the Shamanic.
– Ra Sheeba.
– Past Life Regression.
– Grid-Connection.
– Grid-Activation.
– WhiteLight Self-Empowerment.
– Ecology of Thought.
– Reiki.
– Binaural Beats.
– The Wild Divine, and Gratitude Meditations, and more.

Your new age Calgary workshop needs, like reiki, soul hunting, and reconnecting to your higher self, and more can be found there.

I think learning is best done in small personal groups, or one on one seminars, which is what Daniela, who runs, offers. This is really a big plus for new age Calgary. She has many years of experience, and is the founder of energy systems, and she is very intuitive to your needs.

The aura photography she offers is very cool. As far as I can tell I don’t know of anyone else in Calgary who offers this.

The cool thing is that she will interpret your colors, not just send you home with a photo, and tell you things about yourself that not even you know about.

A another fun thing to do with aura photography: take your partner to a session. Then you can compare your aura with them to see how compatible your colors are. Weather good or bad this actually can reveal a lot in your relationship.

Through the loving care of Daniela, new age Calgary has never been better at

New age Calgary means knowing what you are looking for. With no apparent direction many people just drift from one thing to the next in the new age scene.

If you listen to your intuition, you will know where to start, it just might be at or elsewhere in Calgary.


Posted on: September 9, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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