Make Contact With Your Ex After A Break Up

2nd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’re trying to get your ex back you probably already know that making contact with them isn’t easy. If you contact your ex and get thing wrong it can put you in a worse position so it’s important to get it right. Approaching your ex in a subtle manner is the right way to do it. First off it is better to give them space for a few weeks before you contact them.

This will give time for any animosity in the relationship to pass over. The best way to make the original contact with them would either be a simple email or text message. A text message would probably be best because it’s more likely to be noticed than an email. Emails often get lost amongst spam emails plus a lot of people don’t check their emails anywhere near as much as they check their phone.

The message should be kept simple, just ask them how they have been. If they reply then just take things as they come and when you feel the time’s right, ask them to meet as friends. If they don’t respond to your message then wait a day or two before sending another. The reason you need to leave it a few days is because you will just look desperate if you send too many messages too soon.

When some people don’t get a response within the first hour they lose the plot and start sending more messages. One message is sufficient to let your ex know that you want to speak to them again. If they find lots of messages from you it tells them you’re desperate.

If after a week you still aren’t hearing anything then you need to try and ring them. This is your last shot at making contact with them. If you don’t get hold of them and they don’t call back then you should take the hint that they’re avoiding you and move on gracefully. Not every relationship can be saved and while it’s not a nice to go through it’s something that you will just have to learn to live with.

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