The Steps for Moving on – Heal Your Broken Heart

2nd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you having trouble getting over a guy and need help to mend your broken heart? Whether he dumped you or you broke up with him, letting go of someone who you had a close relationship with is very difficult. The void you experiencing in your heart and life cannot be instantly filled with just anything or anyone. In spite of that, people do get over broken relationships. To get over the guy you still like, here are the five steps.

The first step is letting out the hurt. Know that it is okay to cry when you are trying to get over the guy. Some people keep a journal of their experiences because writing about the pain helps.

One thing that I have seen some people do that is very effective is to write a long letter about the relationship to their ex boyfriend. One must talk about the good and bad times. Talk about the relationship and how he hurt you. Let it all out. When you have finished the letter, burn it. Your read the correctly. Don’t even contemplate sending it to your ex. Alternatively, let the flames burn up the letter. Closure to the relationship is what this offers.

The decision that the relationship is over is a decision you now must make. Hanging onto the thought that the ex boyfriend will change and come back to you, will not allow you to move on and get over him.

Do something that symbolizes the finality of the end of the relationship. A good example of this is to exchange all of the personal property that you have of the others. Do not keep that oh so comfort, over sized t-shirt of his that you sleep in. Throw away the items that are too minor to exchange, like a toothbrush. Clear your place of his entire things. This is an excellent way of clearing your life of him and moving on.

Depending on your friends is a must through this time. Until you meet your husband, guys will come and go, but your girlfriends are forever. If you have been in a hot and heavy relationship, for a time you may have accidently overlooked your friends. Not only will your girls help you get over guy, but reconnecting will be good for your social life.

You will learn that your girlfriends will have experienced break ups similar to yours. By Sharing their pain & experiences will help you to understand that others have survived and you will too no matter how much pain you are in.

You will probably have extra time on your hands now that you have broken up. You used to spend a lot of time with your ex. Use this time productively to get over the guy. Take an exercise class and get in shape, or take up a new hobby.

One of the best things you can do during this period is to join a group or a class. Not only will this introduce you to a new circle of friends but it will take up time you would have spent with your ex.

The final and best step is moving on when you want to get over a guy. Between your old friends, the new friends you make in your class or hobby, and the activities you do to fill up your time, you will emerge as a new person.

The greatest way to get over a guy and mend your broken heart is by moving on.

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