Healing Your Broken Heart – Making Up

3rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How do you get your ex back? How do you convince them that what the two of you had together was special? This is your guide to healing your broken heart and making up.

Firstly, you both need to recognize that whatever has happened, the blame must be placed on both of you. If you cheated, they probably weren’t giving you what you needed so you looked elsewhere. They may have cheated on you if they were not getting what they needed from you. Yes, the cheater is morally culpable for the cheating. The person who was cheated on should not hold the soul responsibility. Both parties should realize the fault lies with both of them.

Learning to forgive and forget is very important. You have to learn to let go of the anger that you have built up about the incident in order to have full forgiveness. The incident must never be mentioned again. You can never let it interfere with your relationship, the past is the past. If you cannot do this, you won’t be able to truly make up for a period of time.

You have to apologize if it is your fault. Too many times, after people say “I’m sorry,” there’s an “Oops I did it again,” moment. You’re not Britney Spears. It’s not cute. You have to commit to changing if you are going to say “I’m sorry”. Otherwise, you don’t mean it and you won’t get them back.

Be prepared to chase them a little bit. You have show them you want them to forgive you, but that doesn’t mean sending them hundreds of emails or stalking them. Just because you send out some signals that you would like to make up doesn’t mean they are going to come rushing back. You need to put your heart on the line and your ego in check.

You may discover that your partner only wants to be friends, even though you were wanting more. You will have to take it slow. Trust in a relationship will take time to rebuild. You should give them the space they need to get to know you again, if this is the case. Eventually you will be able to make up if you accept what they are willing to offer you right now.

Lastly, when trying to get someone back you have to know when to stop trying and mend your broken heart. At times the best thing to do is move on. If you are in the position where your partner is unable to forgive you you must be willing to let go and begin looking for new relationships. This may be the best thing to do even if it breaks your heart. Making up with them may stop you from meeting your true soul mate, who may be out there waiting for you!

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