Start Some New Habits – Heal Your Broken Heart

3rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

To start a new habit only takes 3 weeks and bad ones can also be broken in 3 weeks. If you are still mooning over your ex and obsessing over every little thing that went wrong – STOP right now!!! Although it’s quite natural to feel hurt for a long time after a losing someone we love, we have to get up and begin to live again. So get out of those ugly sweatpants and put away the junk food, it’s time to start some new habits and try something new to mend your broken heart!

The very first thing we have to do is put an end to all the terrible habits we are doing now. Are you always checking up on what your ex is doing on Facebook or Twitter? With the friends you still share, are you still bringing him up and asking about them? When our hearts are broken we want our ex to feel the same way, we want them to miss us as much as we miss them. Well, if you want to heal you have to make a conscious effort to break these habits. So, when you are feeling the need to go online or bring up your ex to friend, you need to pinch yourself. Not lightly but hard! By becoming aware of these bad habits you can start to stop yourself from doing them.

With our new self inflected injuries on our arms, we will begin some new habits to divert ourselves from the ones we are trying to stop. In order to feel good about ourselves again so our first new habit will be to complement ourselves. As weird as it may feel you need to sit down and write 10 things you like about yourself. It could be as simple as this:

10 things I like about me:

  1. My … really kicks butt!
  2. I’m also very…
  3. I really look good in…
  4. I’m very…
  5. I have great…
  6. I’ve very good at…
  7. One of my best skills is/are…
  8. I’m really good at…
  9. I really love my…
  10. My … is/are my best feature.

Now saying it like you mean it (so don’t squint your face up when you do it) every morning when you get up you are going to look in the mirror and repeat these 10 things to yourself. The more you say it the more you’ll begin to believe it and begin to like yourself again.

Is there something that you have always wanted to try? Cause next we are going to try something new! Running, rock climbing, creative writing or learning to cook? Choose something fun, you will not only learn a new skill but you will be forced to meet new people. These people will get to know the “real you”, not the “you” that you were with your ex.

Trying something new and beginning new habits will give you something else to concentrate on beside what is going on with your ex. Try these 2 things for 3 weeks and see how you begin to feel. Are you thinking about your ex less often? Are you beginning to feel more confident? We are just beginning to retrain how we feel about ourselves and healing our broken heart takes time.

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