Useful Suggestions On Finding Extra Time As A Working Mum

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We know that we have 24 hours in each day and that this should be plenty of time for us to complete everything that we have to do, with ample time to spare. The dawn of each day should bring a fresh outlook to all of us and we should feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle anything that life has in store. This is not always the case, though, as we always seem to be playing catch-up, even though we have the most honourable intentions in mind. When the sun has set and the hours are winding down, we often feel frustrated, as we have not had enough time to complete all those tasks. As a busy working mum, we certainly know about time constraints and wish we could find an extra hour, each day, somehow. Well, maybe we can:

1. Set up your phone so that all calls are processed before they reach you. With technology, some great programs are available to help you do this, including Google Voice, allowing you to prioritise the calls that you must take from those that can simply wait. This technology now allows you to block callers that you do not want to be bothered with, in the future. It’s almost like having a personal secretary and will certainly help you to avoid those wasteful minutes, which can add up.

2. Learn about outsourcing. While we know that it is difficult to find a good childminder and you might be taking on this task yourself when working or tele-commuting from home, understand that other chores can be outsourced, including daily cleaning work.

3. It might be time for you to find a good time management software package, but take the time to learn how to use it. It might seem a bit alien to you at first, but if you are really stringent, you will save a great deal of time each day by focusing your attention.

4. Plan as much as you want, but make sure you follow through. If you have a rather muddled list of things that you have to accomplish in your head, you will bounce back and forth between these chores and not be efficient. Before you go to bed, or immediately when you wake up in the morning, spend time planning out exactly what you are going to do.

5. Allocate an hour for communication. This includes all those call-backs that you might have to make, the checking of e-mail, updating of Facebook or other social networks. You would be amazed how much time can be lost if you’re constantly checking e-mails or taking phone calls without a structured plan.

6. When you’re planning your time, include a “buffer” at appropriate intervals. This means that you should not plan one task after another within an unrealistic time frame. By inserting your “buffer,” if you get delayed, sidetracked or fall behind your schedule in any way, you will be okay.

7. Combine your exercise time with “catching up” time. Never avoid physical activity and allocate at least 30 minutes per day to do so, but when you do this combine it with time to catch up with anything that is newsworthy. To do this you might have to put a TV in your home gym, utilise that electronic book reader or even just listen to a particular news or media channel as you go.

These days, online coaching experts know full well the value of time management and how adequate planning can help you to free up extra time that you might have overlooked. Not surprisingly, professional coaching is not just for corporate executives, it’s now widely available and recommended for people in all walks of life. Why not try professional coaching for women in your situation?

Amanda Alexander is Director of Coaching Mums and a highly acclaimed ICF-accredited coach who delivers professional coaching programmes to working mums who yearn for success, balance and fulfilment. Are you a juggling mom? Download our free eBook for working moms that will give you 5 simple and instant ways to balance your life right now!

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