The Wellness Of People And Pets Alike Can Benefit From Distance Healing.

26th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lets get to the awesome benefits of distance healing. But before this I will now explain what distance healing is. Distance healing is a kind of chi energy, or bio energy therapy, which involves using the body’s energy fields to heal and maintain wellness, strength, and clarity, and the energy is transmitted over distances. Increase your wellness with distance healing now: distance healing

OK, here are some benefits:

1. If you are stuck at home or faraway from the healer to receive the distance healing you can stay at home to receive the treatment.

2. The wellness of people and pets alike can benefit from distance healing.

3. Recently clinical trials in laboratories in Calgary Canada, has proven that distance healing is not a placebo effect, but can help with pain management, relaxation, and side effects of treatment like nausea and stomach upset for cancer patients.

4. Chakras, and aura energy is balanced as well as body energies.

5. Anxiety and improvement of well being can be treated.

6. Creates harmony in situations of emotional turmoil.

7. Helps to connect you to your higher self.

8. Intuition can be enhanced.

9. A distance healing can be a pleasant experience.

10. On the other hand it is possible that it will be an unpleasant experience. Even so it will always be for your greater good. Often when some serious blockages are released you might not feel your best. Weeping, nausea, and headaches might follow, or you might just feel happy, with laughter, and giddiness.

With distance healing it is important not to expect any certain outcome just accept and trust in the experience. It still does not mean that nothing has happened, even when you hardly notice anything at all after getting a distance healing.

For some people the changes can be very subtle. They might not be physical at all, or might not be apparent to the receiver for a time afterward.

After a distance healing the important thing to do is to pay attention to the things that happen inside and out. What are the little subtle changes, what signs appear to you?

On the other hand, it has been reported, time and time again, that distance healing can be way more powerful than direct healing. Remain open to the experience. The interesting thing here, and I know this from my own experience, is that people who have absolutely no expectations often have the most intense distance healing.


Posted on: July 26, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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