Distance Healing Or A Distance Attunement Becomes A Form Of Entrainment.

25th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A distance healing? Why do people do it? The reasons are varied. I know people who have done a distance healing just for the thrill, or distance attunement, to do something new and bizarre. Not something I would suggest.

Naturally there are those of you ho can not travel and have health issues, and want to be treated. It is great for pets too, that won’t stay still. A distance healing session is perfect in both cases. You can increase your wellness with distance healing now: distance healing

Some people are looking for alternative as they are simply unhappy with conventional healing methods, which probably has not help them, or has even hurt them.

Now distance healing is not supposed to replace an normal doctor, all I am saying is to solve your health problems ultimately you want a synthesis of methods and medicines.

Just think a outside the box. Think: holistic.

The best example of this synthesis is in China. Why? They use the best of both worlds. They use ultra modern medicine combined with herbs, teas, meditation, chi, acupuncture, and more.

We could learn a whole lot from the Chinese for the western world. People recover in China like crazy!

Can distance healing be part of this holistic approach to wellness? You bet it can!

Let me give you a perfect example of the shortcomings of our system: my doctor gives me a drug to kill the pain in my foot. When I took it I had an allergic reaction and almost died.

So why did I take it so blindly? Because the pain was so great it fogged my mind, so I took it, yet the drug was not meant to heal me, it was only for the symptoms.

Bad moments like this helped to inspire me to search for alternatives. So a chiropractor told me that all I needed to do the healing, to take care of the cause not just the symptoms, was eat cherries.

I wasted no time buying a bunch of cherries, yes I listened, and what do you know, after eating them I was healed!

The painkiller doctor was not thinking holistically, he was blind, or even uninterested to cure. In our profit driven system there is too much emphasis on treating the symptoms and not the cause.

Distance healing takes care of everything including your soul. It is automatically holistic. To the total picture, distance healing can be very beneficial. I can only recommend it to you.

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Posted on: July 25, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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