Meditation Beginners: Walking Meditation Practice

18th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Walking alone has always provided me with the time to mindfully quiet my thinking. My favorite moment of the day to walk is early in the morning.
I mean really early. The silence of the morning without traffic and listening to the birds is wonderful.

I start my meditation by just noticing the environment. I notice the color of the sky, the mood the trees set, the way the air touches my skin and certainly, the sounds. Start out by taking deep breaths. Take slow, steady steps, not too fast, but steady. When you are in a good rhythm stop thinking anything consciously.
I concentrate on my breathing. Inhale during two or three steps and exhale for the following. If you start thinking about something bring your attention to your breathing. I just ignore myself. Before you know it you will be doing nothing but moving and you will be as relaxed as if you were sitting and meditating. Your pace matches the rhythm of your breathing. Your pulse is slow and steady. I thoroughly enjoy nothingness.

Often my spirit will divulge important messages to me as if by osmosis;; they just occur completely. Not as a thought; not thinking, but as a fact, a feeling, a sense. From these messages decide upon a few words to use repetitively. Invariably this phrase touches exactly upon what my spirit and soul know I need to address. Continue, you will know when it is time to return.

People who are enlightened both in body and mind have since long been practicing walking meditation. The two, walking and meditating go together smoothly. Each provides the time and space to connect with your soul.

Silent or with music, anything goes. It is up to you. Choose what works for you best. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try it all and then decide what works best. But as in normal meditation try to be consistent and try to practice walking meditation every day. Also try to practice at the same time every day this will more easy grow into a daily habit without much effort.

This is just an introduction you can find more on walking meditation from various sources. The important thing is that you get started and try to uphold a daily practice. Good Luck to you.

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