Win Your Ex Back – This Is How Simple It Is

15th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Over history breakups have happened on a daily basis. The guy meets a wonderful girl, they fall in love, they breakup and after a while one of them wants to get back with their ex. Perhaps one of your friends went through a breakup, but you didn’t really understand the full impact it had on them until you were in that situation, it is truly an emotional time.

Do not despair, there is hope you don’t need to give up. Remember even if you want to get ex husband back, ex fiancé, ex boyfriend there is a way. Here are three important things you could do to get back together with your ex.

1. This may sound strange but cease all calls, texts, emails etc. It may seem impossible to do but you have to stop going after your ex at this time. Take this simple example, if you try and catch a butterfly it will fly away, but if you sit still it will come sit on your shoulder. So think about it for a second if you chase them now they will run. Basically it is not so difficult; just give them some time and space. Thus if you come across as being needy, whiny, puny and insecure it will be a turn off.

2. Don’t fall off your chair, but just go out with friends and try and live everyday to the fullest, have loads of enjoyment. It goes hand in hand with the first step. Often when you are in a relationship one tends t neglect friends and family, so ring them up and have some fun with them. This will be therapeutic for you in ways you cannot imagine.

Your ex partner will hear about you having fun and they will start to remember the good days you two had. It will let them think about you and she will start missing you.

It will also relieve the pain you are experiencing if you keep busy. If you mull around and do nothing it will make you do silly things.

A word of caution: This step is certainly not designed to start off to make them envious, mostly that doesn’t work. That would rather be immature and pathetic. You want your ex back because you still love them, so stay clear from destructive, careless and stupid actions. There will come no good if you are going to follow this route.

3. After you feel your partner has cooled off and things are settled again you can resume communication. But please do not start harassing them and start arguing all over again. This is where you simply talk and listen. Your ego has to disappear and you have to try and recognize what they are all about.

No one said that it would be easy but these steps can be a fantastic stepping stone for you to start with. So simply start now and follow these easy tips. This is not the end of your fight to win your ex back, there are many other additional tips and tricks you can apply. If you feel “I want my ex back” then act now.

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