Building Valuable ProfessionalRelationships in Translation

11th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I first discovered the secrets of getting along with people of different nationalities during my job with a Portland Translation Company. I also learned that no matter what type of assignment I was given, whether it be a letter or a complete manual, that the most important attribute in providing quality interpreting services is having an excellent ability to get along with the clients and other translators. Whether translating marketing communication literature for a local service company, a website for a Fortune 500 company or a textbook for a major publisher, there is a great deal of importance in building a lasting relationship with your clients and co-workers.

Many people were envious of my people skills but in many respects, I believe that I had them since I was born. Could I be blessed with a special power? Is it feasible that I would have been born with a special ability? Maybe I learned these skills early in life. Would this unique skill be something that I can teach other translators? Since these thoughts kept me awake every night, I felt I should set out to document my thoughts on this. From more than twenty long years of professional German to English Translation experience, that led me to move from one end of the country to the other, that attitude and body talk are critical when making an introduction. It’s my belief that by making some minor adjustments in body language, tweaking my choice of words and using the correct body language that I could put people at ease. I also noticed that in any culture there are expressions, vocal tones and words that may not be suitable to use. In my opinion, I believe this warranted more research. Why is it easier to be cordial with some people than with others? I’ve also wondered why I find some people extremely interesting but other people who I know feel that these same people are not very interesting. You must agree that a biological action must be taking place that we are yet to understand.

During my research, I was able to discover some early works in NLP which is also called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. These two medical researchers, Dr. Bandler and Dr. Grinder, had begun to recommend procedures that I had been applying in my translation work for many years. Among a fountain of new insights, they revealed that everyone has a “favorite sense.” When you find that certain something, you can target that person’s weakness. The purpose of my study was becoming more finely tuned. I set aside my Medical Translator work and resolved to focus on how people work on the inside as well as how they look on the outside. After I left my translation job, I acquired a license in Subliminal Thought control. I studied Irresistible Language Patterns in the United States, Canada and England, and delved into everything to do with the brain’s part in human connectivity. The results of my work were later heralded by famous psychology journals and embraced by training given by the American Translators Association.

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