Critical Guidelines On Staying Really Fit As A Working Mum

8th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Staying fit is an absolutely essential part of your long-term health plan, no matter who you are or what your “story” is.

Exercise is quite simply essential to our overall well-being, and you need to take time to plan your schedule.

Whatever you are doing, stop for a moment and start planning this right now! When you exercise regularly your stress level will go down, you will be sharper and you will be able to do a lot more without feeling worn out. Just think how productive you can be, in return for a regime that doesn’t need to take a lot of time from your schedule.

Get up earlier in the morning. Almost every fitness expert (you know, those people who like to tell us what to do) seem to agree that we do not need more than eight hours in bed each night. Count up how many hours you are sleeping. The chances are that you can cut back a little bit on your sleep and set the alarm clock to go 15 to 30 minutes earlier. Morning is definitely the best time to devote to exercise, as there is less to distract you and unless your time management skills are polished, evening time can quickly whittle way.

Use your lunch hour for something more productive. Most people enjoy an hour for their lunch. Trade in the traditional use of this time for time spent exercising. You might not be lucky enough to live near to a gym, but could take a brisk walk under most circumstances. Maybe this means you have to go out in inclement weather from time to time, but you will feel far more invigorated when it comes to tackling the afternoon’s work schedule. Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise and as long as you remember to walk along briskly, so your heart rate is elevated, you will be able to get good exercise this way.

Don’t waste the time you sit in front of the TV. If you like to watch a certain show on television or like to spend an hour or so each evening catching up in front of the TV, clear a little room in front of the set and do some crunches, or squats or perform some kind of activity while you are watching the show.

Always make sure that you concentrate on what you’re doing, as we are all capable of multitasking, after all. Figure out some simple exercises and do three sets of each. You will certainly feel a lot livelier when you finish.

When you have to do chores, take advantage of the situation. Chores are a necessary evil for sure, but they have to be done. Can you picture a workout at the same time? Don’t opt for the easy way of cleaning, put some effort into it, even if this means that you need to get down on your hands and knees and start scrubbing! A physical approach to cleaning and work in the garden will all work for your health.

Plan some time with the family. What could be more fun than working out with the family? A bicycle for each member of the family might well be a shrewd investment, as it will allow you to explore a lot of those local trails together. Now, instead of going to the movie cinema, indulge in a great family bonding exercise such as this.

These days, professional coaching experts reveal, via the web, a number of other areas for you to consider as part of online life coaching.

It is so important that you maintain first-class health and specific coaching for women sites can help you utilise your time to best effect.

Amanda Alexander is the Director of Coaching Mums and a widely renowned ICF-accredited coach who delivers professional coaching programmes to working mums across the globe who long for more time, balance and fulfilment in their busy lives. Download our free eBook especially for working mums with 5 easy ways to achieve balance.

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