Conditioning Your Mind

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Wouldn’t it be great if we can see our path towards our personal lifetime goals as a straight line, with no obstacles in between? Unfortunately, in the real world, that is hardly the case.

When we set ourselves to achieve goals, we need to fashion our mind to be attuned to it. We have to align our thoughts in the direction of our goal. We need to achieve our goal in the easiest manner at the shortest possible time. In other words, we have to condition our minds. Sometimes, some of us may quip: “I must not delay things but I need to be patient enough to wait”. This means practicing practicality on the mental characteristics we need to adapt by leaning on the positive and aggressive side of the action we have to take to achieve our goal.

We need to persevere and be persistent no matter what. However, learn to stop to rest for a while if need be and continue again after regaining your strength. We must stop temporarily but not permanently. We must have a burning desire or passion to attain our goal but must not burn ourselves out. Don’t let stress and tension affect you and your health. Act on ideas at once but be patient enough to wait for results without unnecessary delays on our part.

Some processes take time. Not everything can be done in short cuts. Work on goals we like and are familiar with, but we must not stop to learn more about it especially those pertaining to new innovations and technologies. Be positive, practical, and aggressive in the pursuit of your goals.

However, how can we control a situation we think may happen, sort of pre-empting what we think will happen. This type of controlling a situation tells us to concentrate on goals that we can maneuver, we can direct to the way we plan it. You may think this is monopolizing but it isn’t. For example, let’s say you want to get into the business of making ready-to-cook ‘french fries’. If you are going to buy potatoes from a planter who dictates the price in the market, you’re bound to have problemsthat are beyond your control. One of the solutions to continue in this business is to look for more suppliers or better still, you must be knowledgeable in planting your own potatoes. These ways, you have a ready solution to a potential problem.

Get involved in goals wherein you have control of your own resources. In short, choose goals you are familiar, comfortable, and you have more experience in.

Part of everyday living and in the course of setting and realizing our goal, we are usually faced with different kinds of troubles or obstacles that hinder our growth, our development. Such troubles may directly affect the goal we aim for, others indirectly, and still others have nothing to do with them except that they take up some of our time and make us feel bad, they just slow us down, as if we want to give up.

Again, the solution is to be practical and understand that this is all part of the package. Know what you must do to achieve your goal in the shortest time possible while at the same time accept that obstacles are inevitable. Deal with them as they come along but don’t let them deter you from your goal.

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